Tuesday, April 25, 2006

From the Mind of a Writer...

As I float around or "blog surf" through my friends' pages, it seems that there is a common theme popping up here and there which made me laugh, as I am experiencing the same thing: writer's block.

I guess for me, it's situational though, as I could pretty much write about any one of many things I have going on in my mind these days. No, my writer's block has more to do with a song that began flowing from my heart as I played a chord progression on my guitar the other day: I just picked it up and began playing, and what came out of my mouth as I began to sing along with it was none other than my heart speaking in song. But there was only one problem. About halfway through, I lost it.

I really can't say I'm all that good at the whole song-writing bit quite yet. It's one thing to write lyrics to a song that has no melody. It's even another to write poetry that flows freely from the mind to the pen, and then back to the eyes and then out the mouth to be interpreted many different ways by the listener as he takes in each line... each word... and each thoughtful breath. But it's quite another thing to play a melody and let your heart fall into a delicate rhythm with the music; releasing from deep within you what you're feeling at that exact moment - your passions, your desires, the very essence of who you are - letting each word flow as you create a harmony of heart, mind, spirit, and sound that together will perfectly capture your soul in that very moment.

I found myself in that very place the other day: in a moment of genuine worship and reflection on my salvation, purity, and sanctification. As I picked up my guitar and began playing a simple melody that was easy on the ears, this is what came forth:

You make everything new
My heart aches for you
Take me as I am
Make me whole again

Your grace is sufficient for me
Your love sets me free
Shape me, mold me, and make me new
I desire to be like you

If I could reach up
and touch the sky
I would
If I could take my Fathers hand
and walk for miles
I would

Then it happened: ROAD BLOCK!!! The unfortunate part about this process (for me anyway), is that while I'm in that mode, I absolutely CAN'T be interrupted, because if I am, I lose it. So, I lost it. So now I'm massively frustrated because this is the cry of my heart, and I want to get back to that place so I can finish this thought, and in turn, finish the song.

But the silver lining in all of this, is that as I go through this process, I'm beginning to refine my skills on the guitar, which in turn, makes it easier (and more fun) to write music, which in turn, helps me to release all that is within me through song, which results in a very.happy.Stephanie. See? It's all very cyclical.

So while I'm suffering from writer's or... song writer's block, I pray that I continue down this bumpy yet gratifying road because while yes, it can be frustrating, it can be oh-so-cathartic at the very same time: and everyone could use a little *purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension*.. from time to time.

* Webster's definition of "catharsis". Isn't God cool?


Blogger Charlyn said...

You go girl!

God already knows the rest of your song, and your heart. It will come. (The next time you have quiet time!)

P.S. I love being the first commentor! It feels like a scored a goal!! Woo-hoo!

10:34 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

it will come in it's own time

i like what you have there to begin with, speaks your heart so clearly

12:03 PM  
Blogger steve said...

I would help you but this i road you must journey alone Stephaniesan

(A giant "GONG!!!" is heard in the background)

3:48 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I have an overactive brain. No writer's block here! But I can go ON and ON and ON and ON and...

4:01 PM  
Blogger LZ Blogger said...

I don't write as well as you do sans the ol' "Writer's Block"! ~ jb///

8:08 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Good job, Stephanie! I agree with Shenna, God already knows the rest of your song, whether you put it down on paper or not.

I love songs like the one you started. They are love songs to God. It doesn't get much better than that.

7:01 AM  
Blogger bigwhitehat said...

When I can't write, I sleep.

Try it. You know you want to.

11:19 PM  

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