Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Wrap-Up

Well as I'm sure you all know, I was supposed to head to Seattle this week to visit my Dad and Step-mom who I haven't seen for 4 and 12 years respectively. Well, as luck would have it, I came down with the stomach flu, a bronchial infection, and some sort of sinus thing: all on the same day - Christmas Eve. The flu subsided by Christmas night, and the bronchial and sinus things - got really bad the day after.

So, unfortunately, I am staying home this week, and will be rescheduling my trip to Seattle for sometime over the summer. Boo. So it looks like I'll be spending a good majority of my week off at my mom and step-dad's house where I'm being taken very good care of: mom's such a great little nurse :)

Other than my illnesses, I had a great Christmas Eve: saw a ton of family members that I never get to see, went to the church that my mom has been going to (which turned out to be really cool), and on Christmas day (despite being sick and not being able to eat Christmas dinner), I was able to spend some Q.T. with some great family and friends. Santa was good to me, I'm getting lots of rest and relaxation, and sick or not, I intend to enjoy my week off to the fullest.

How was everyone else's Christmas? What did Santa bring you this year?


Blogger Jenny said...

Ohhh Bless your heart, Sweetie!

I am so sorry to hear that you've been ill, but perhaps it will be better for you to get tons of rest!

Santa was great this year! The dogs got a grooming last week (MUCH NEEDED and top on my list of gift wants!) and various other trinkets.

My hubby is amazing and we had a fun and relaxing Christmas!


9:26 PM  
Blogger David Edward said...

quite a lineup of Bugs in your christmas stocking. I hoep you feel much better. I got a heavy Carhart shirt in case winbter ever decides to get here. it was 63 degrees on christmas day. No snow in sight.

9:40 PM  
Blogger tonymyles said...

So sorry about your illness! I'm feeling lousy, too, but that's only physically. Other than that it's been a blessed Christmas!

If the inside is joyful, the body will make do.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Bless your heart!! I came down with a little cold, but nothing close to yours. I'm sorry you didn't get to head West. But it sounds like you had a great day nevertheless.

Get Well Soon!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Hey Stephanie-pants (my new all the time name for you), it stinks to be sick, but sick on Christmas? Major stink.

Well you know I wish you better health and a quick recovery.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Charlyn said...

Sorry to hear it Steph! I'll bet your Dad and stepmom were really disappointed. But now you have a summer trip to look forward to!

I had a wonderful Christmas. Christmas Eve worship service was so touching as usual, and extra special because my sis and her family were there. Got to spend 4 days with them!

I got a down comforter!! Soooo warm. I also got some things for scrapbooking, some bath and body and some candles. I'm thrilled.

Now get some rest!

3:35 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Sorry to hear you were sick over Christmas. I've been dealing with a cold myself, but not nearly as severe as what you are. Get better!

Christmas was nice. The fam and the dinner were great. My big gift was a nice pair of LL Bean Winter Boots. Watch it NOT snow for the rest of the winter... (actually I'd be grateful for that...)

7:21 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey everyone!

I'm so glad to hear that everyone had a great Christmas! How wonderful it is to be able to spend some quality time with our families, celebrating such a joyous event!

I'd like to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers: I can't BELIEVE how great I feel today considering how terribly awful I felt just yesterday! I still have a ways to go yet, but praise God that I'm in such great shape already!

I hope you're all having a blessed week!

11:51 PM  

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