Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh, Blessed Answered Prayer

So in the midst of all my turmoil and pain, I find comfort - not only from God Himself reaching down to touch my heart and my life through His Word, His comfort, and His peace: but through a very specific answered prayer. Allow me to explain.

A couple of weeks ago, I had had about all I could take in terms of everything I was going through. I was a flat-out mess, and I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel - this misery was far too much for me to take: and suddenly, the fight or flight response kicked into HIGH gear. Suffice it to say, I was struck down with a terrible case of the "get-up-and-go's", and I was determined to go anywhere but here.

So I began the tedious (yet slightly exhilarating process for those of us bit by the travel bug) of looking up airfare to literally - anywhere but here. I wanted to take a last minute trip to Jamaica to see the friends I've neglected for a year and a half - only to realize that my passport would be expiring in a week. Next, I moved onto the Dallas Fort Worth area, hoping to reach a couple of the people I knew down there. No dice. Then I moved on to Arizona, where I have some family whom I haven't seen in EONS. I settled on that destination, only to realize that airfare was skyrocketing every day the closer I got to my desired departure date. So what do I do? The same thing any rational adult would do: I stomped my feet! And I got frustrated. and I said to God, "Okay. I guess I have to leave even this in Your hands. So if it's Your will for me to get out of here (please! please! let it be Your will!), then You will make it happen..."

And that was it. I took my hands off.

The very next day
, I get a phone call from my aunt: "I just came into quite a large sum of money - and I really miss you! Can I fly you down here in a couple of weeks?"


I would get into all the details - the ridiculous deals we found, the ridiculously nice resort I'm staying at, all the little ins and outs of this trip that make it so apparent that God wanted to bless me (for some reason I'm still not understanding - my obedience in the fire? Eh. Maybe I'll never know) but I won't bore you with all that. I'm just thankful that the Good Lord is giving me time to do just what He called me to do in all of this - REST. So I'll be enjoying some much needed R&R in the valley of sun, poolside, under a palm tree (or ten), Bible in one hand, and a virgin pina colada in the other.

Now that's what I call rest!

God is Good!


Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

How wonderful! Take your time, and realize that with everything (as my grandmother used to say) "this, too, shall pass."

10:57 AM  

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