Friday, November 11, 2005

Could I BE More Random?!

In the spirit of Chandler Bing from Friends, ladies and gentlemen! I told you I'm obsessed! Okay, well, I've figured out (speaking of that outstanding show) that I can find a Friends quote to suit any situation. Honestly, I don't even try: it's like a sick compulsion that I have absolutely no control over. And usually, it's when I'm talking to my roommate, Leah. She understands. She gets it every time. I've tried to drop a Friends line to other people, and they just stare at me like, "what the poo are you talking about?" So I've just stopped trying. I don't want to be that person. You know who I'm talking about: you know that guy who runs around and randomly quotes stuff from like Star Trek because in thier head it's funny, but in reality NO ONE ELSE GETS IT. Yeah. I don't ever want to be that guy...or...girl, I mean.

But since we're on the subject: I've also concured that I think like a guy when it comes to stuff like that. Ladies, you know that guys love quoting movie lines. It's like they're born with the gene and there's absolutely no getting around it. Yeah, well somehow I got that gene too. It's really terrifying: nine times out of ten - I know exactly what they're talking about. Unless it's from The Godfather or any war movies: can't help you there. Don't enjoy war movies whatsoever. And it's not that I don't like The Godfather... I just haven't seen it yet. So guys: if you want, feel free to bring over all of the Godfather movies, and we'll have a marathon... but then I will have to force you to watch Sweet Home Alabama to even things out a bit. I hope you're okay with that.

Speaking of guys: I'm officially terrified. "Strange", you say. I agree. But I just discovered this a few days ago... I'm completely and totally socially deficient around the opposite sex all of a sudden. One bad experience, and look what happens. I mean, the guy friends that I had before this epiphany, they're in the safe zone: for the most part. Well, actually, as long as I could never see myself dating them (ie: they're like a brother to me, they're married), then they're in the safe zone. And so now, any guy who crosses my path, I'm suddenly speechless and nervous and - totally not myself. How bizarre is that? My married friend J. told me last night that "this is just a season, and this too shall pass", and that I shouldn't get too spooked because that's just as bad as giving too much of my heart. Well what the crap am I supposed to do then? I know! I'll move to a cabin deep in the mountains of North Carolina: no boys will ever find me there!

But so I do have this great brother-type friend C. who cracks me up. This kind of ties in with the quoting movies thing... well, kind of but not really. Okay, because last night I'm on the phone with the guy and I could. not. stop. laughing. THIS guy has an affinity for sitcom theme-songs. I met him at the
karaoke lady's Tuesday night show awhlie back, and that very night, he busted out with the theme song to All in the Family. I just. about. died. I mean, he actually sings the high squeaky annoying part and everything. The guy is a riot. So now, he's taken to calling me, yelling at me if I answer, calling back again, and leaving a myriad of sitcom songs on my voicemail. The other night I got The Facts of Life, Different Strokes, and Silver Spoons. Then, last night while I was at school, he sang The Golden Girls to me. I about fell out of my moving car I was laughing so hard. So I'm talking to him when I get home last night and my psychotic roommate was still up. She was on some manic frenzy of some sort or another, and once she finds out who I'm talking to, she bounds onto the futon, demands that he go on speaker phone, and begins barking orders at him to sing to her every sitcom theme song from the eighties. Suddenly, he's crooning to my roommate with Who's the Boss, Family Ties... it's terrifying people: he knows every last word. And it's hilarious.

So then at one point, Leah gets really close to the phone and says in her most serious, deep, quizzical voice... "Do you know.... Rainbow Brite?"

C: *silence* "...yes..."

Leah launches, nay, HURLS her little body backwards on the couch, legs and arms flailing about in a fit of uncontrolable squeals and laughter as C. proceeds to sing to her every 80's cartoon theme song including... you guessed it... The Smurfs. This went on for way too long, and we were up way too late, traumatizing my poor friend C.

This is where I tell you about how awesome my little psycho roommie is. Because she kept me up so late with her antics, and because we have a ministry gig with our band tonight that I had to get up and get all polished for this morning (ie: not just wiping the sleep out of my eyes, taking a five second shower and going to work), I asked her to wake me up after she got out of the shower. She walked in my room this morning with a big smile and a cup of the pumpkin spice coffee that she bought me yesterday (because she knows of my obsession with all things pumpkin in the fall) with cinnamon creamer in it and put in on my night stand. HOW GREAT IS SHE?!

...And here's where it all ties in: since I'm scared of boys who endlessly quote movies and make me nervous, I'm just going to live with my super nice coffee-making roommate Leah and her three cats for the rest of my life, all while my friend C. entertains us with his unique talents - from afar. Sounds like a good plan to me: what do you think?

***P.S. For those of you who look forward to Theology Recap Tuesday, I'm sorry I let you down this week. But fear not faithful followers! You will get a double-dose next week!***


Blogger Stephanie said...

Okay, I don't know HOW I posted double and Katie left a comment before I even finished writing my post, but I had to erase the one she commented on, so here's what she said:

Katie said...

This made me laugh out loud, all of it, and because I can "hear" you saying all of this even thought I've never "heard" your voice.

Come to think of it, you might have a really deep voice or a really high squeaky voice and I don't even know which one it is. I'm choosing to think you have a very nice normal voice that might rise a few octaves when you get excited (I know that mine does and since we share a mind I figure we share a voice - but wait you can sing beautifully (again I just know this is true without proof) and well I'm scared to sing in front of people so we don't have that in common).

Wait what was I saying . . . . Oh yes

LOVE movie quoting and girl I've got your back on the Godfather and the war movies (yes my girliness is in question with that admission - but I can quote Sweet Home Alabama also so I'm sure I'm pretty safe). So if we again mind meld we would be a movie quote force to be reckoned with.

Ha ha, I want you to call me and sing tv show theme songs. So funny.

And I think that this comment alone proves that I share in your randomness.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Katie, my dear, you rock my friend! lol I will call you and sing theme songs to you whenever you'd like: But! I think it would be funnier if C. and I called you on three way: then you could experience this whole charade in all it's glory! lol

9:50 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

P.S. C sounds like a keeper, I mean how many guys can sing 80's theme songs, and 80's cartoon theme songs

11:05 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Yeah, but he kind of falls into that brother catergory, so... he's definitely a keeper in that capacity!

1:18 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

hohum, a bit quiet out here today, so how's your friday stephanie?

1:48 PM  
Blogger steve said...

I am going to have to seperate you two

1:54 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...


How about yours? You know, I count on you people to keep me entertained when my day is crawling by... what gives? lol

2:00 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Oh Steve's feeling left out again, poor steve.

Stephanie what can we do to make Steve not feel left out?

Oh and I'm BORED TOO. UGH.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh, I was kind of wondering who of us he was going to separate: Leah and I or you and I.

Well, now that it's clarified, I just don't know! We could sing him a song! lol

2:23 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

oh wait maybe he was talking about you and Leah or you and Leah and C, hmmmm let's ask him

Steve: to whom were you referring with your comment?

2:24 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

*folding arms, raising one eyebrow, and tapping foot*...



3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!! Totally not fair! You can't talk about me when I'm not around to defend myself!!! boooooo

But, no, really. I guess I am a little psycho. Like with the cleanliness issue. Steph, tell them how BEAUTIMOUS our little abode is! It sparkles...seriously.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

She "guesses" that's she's a little bit psycho. Well admission is the first step. *We're working on it people*.

But yes, our abode is sparkling: even with three cats you could lick the floor. It's kind of wierd. But pretty! Really!

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you should tell them how I cleaned your desk and put up your stuff on the walls. Wow, I sure am a sweeeeet rooomy! (okay, actually, I'm just obsessive/ compulsive and I NEEDED to clean it. It was just driving me crazy.)

AAAAAHH... since we're sharing little "roomy stories" let me tell you about how Stephy likes to hoard dishes in strange places. On any given day, you can go in her room, look on her computer desk, and YES, even on the bathroom counter, find a NUMBER of dishes. Mostly mugs and glasses with the occasional plate and used napkins. hmmmm... And that's just the beginning!

haha, you're welcome, Steph!

(I think I may have started a war here...)

4:20 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

lick the floor? with cats? ugh hair ball waiting to happen.

Stephanie, it seems Steve is ignoring us.

Leah - Oh girl you need to come by more often. Tell us more stuff about Stephy. Ahahaha, dishes hoarder, love it.

4:24 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh you have NOOOOOO clue the kind of war that has just ensued...

More to come. UNDOUBTEDLY.

4:24 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

oh boy, cat fight (oh that is so much funnier because you own cats, well really it isn't that funny, I am just so ready for the weekend to begin)

Bring it Leah, we want the "Behind the Blog" on Stephanie.

4:27 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Steve IS ignoring us KT!

Hey! And don't encourage her foolishness! She does NOT speak truth! ...well, maybe a little... but she leaves dishes in her bathroom too! And when one of her little stinkers knocks it over and break it, it SITS THERE FOR A WEEK.

Beat that Na-Leah. lol

4:29 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

hahahaha, love that the two of you are doing this for all the world to see. LOVE IT.

Ok so my guess is that steve is playing hookie from work and sitting at his chruch having his own personal jam session of worship. And if that's the case then I can't fault him for ignoring us (well maybe just a little but not too much).

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm.... I wonder where Step-on-me Mule-hair is planning on sleeping tonight????

Not in her bed. It might not be safe...

*in big bold announcer voice*:

(haha, and Steph just left work so now she can't defend herself)


4:37 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

oooohhhhh sneaky leah, very sneaky

4:39 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

You know why I called her pure evil now? SHE'S SO MEAN!!!! You know, I *could* technically erase that if I wanted to, but I'm going to leave it up for the whole world to see... why it's neither safe nor good for the self-esteem levels to have a roommate. Particularily one named "HOOTIE-PANTS"!!!!! (Derivative of the last name.., just so you don't think we've completely lost it! ;)

Katie: Glad your getting such a kick out of this. lol Now you see what I see when you and Jess go back and forth. Well, it's maybe not this bad, but close. lol

11:41 PM  

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