Monday, March 27, 2006

I Interrupt This Program... tell you that blogger is not doing what I want it to do. I was planning on writing the third installment of my Jamaica 2006 saga tonight, but to my chagrin, I can't seem to upload any photos to illustrate my points. So! I will do my best to get Day 3 posted as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I would like to give a warm welcome to all of my new readers (you know who you are), and invite you to comment freely as you read along over the next few days (and even beyond that if you find my diva-esque site even remotely amusing apart from my Jamaica tales). So take a load off, stay awhile, and say hello!

On the homefront, I've finally readjusted to life in the big writhing metropolis that is Milwaukee. It really is a strange transition coming back from a missions trip: you make these wonderful friendships with people while you're there that you might otherwise have never had the opportunity to get to know, yet once you get back, everyone has to get back into their daily routine and you're just kind of jerked back into reality. And, let me tell you how wierd it was for me to not wake up to ten people everyone morning for the first few days after I was back home. I'm a social butterfly and love being around people, so that was just a not-so-fun adjustment for me when I returned.

But the biggest reality check for me was the fact that I didn't get to see those kids everyday: my daily routine suddenly seemed so mundane and rather pointless. I was no longer doing things to benefit the orphanage and working with the kids and paying them the attention they so desperately crave. I was all of a sudden just being me in my everyday life again: and that's a hard adjustment to make.

But I thank God every day for the lessons He taught me, and the way He revealed so many truths to my heart that I did not even know existed, or would have otherwise chosen to continue to ignore if it weren't for this experience. I love my God because He is just so faithful - even in the struggles. He teaches me every single day: in my quiet times, and even through the chaos inside my mind. He's there - molding me, shaping me, and preparing me for something greater that, I'm not even close to being sure of yet. But I know it's there, because he promised me this glorious future, so I know it's in His plan. I just have to trust Him even through that chaos and uncertainty. I know He'll come through - He's done it before, and He'll do it again!

On a completely unrelated note, I just wanted to all let you know that I am officially an auntie for the very first time ever! How is that possible when I'm an only child, you ask? Well, one of my very besest friends in the whole wide world just gave birth to an 8lb., 11oz. baby boy this morning at 6:30am. His name is Jackson, and he's absolutely beautiful, and precious, and has already stolen my heart. I got to see him tonight, and he is just the sweetest thing ever!!! I'm officially in love. My very first nephew: how fun!

Anyway, congratulations guys, and thanks for making me an auntie!!


Blogger Charlyn said...

Awww, congrats Auntie Steph! Can't wait to see pics of the "big, little guy"!

The way you describe your missions trip is everything I've ever imagined it would be. I think we all crave to be used by God outside of our daily routines, and what a perfect opportunity! I can't wait until one day it is my turn.

Thanks for the recaps! Love ya!

8:25 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

CONGRATS auntie stephanie-pants

standing by for Day 3

8:43 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

hahaha auntie Stephanie-pants. How appropriate! lol

Thank miss Katie-pants. ;)

Love ya too Shenna-pants! (didn't want to leave you out!)

10:09 AM  
Blogger Mark D said...

I've had the same issue with blogger...along with other issues, so it's not just you.

Looking forward to Day 3!

11:59 AM  
Blogger Kristi B. said...

Hi Stephanie!

Congratulations on being an Auntie! Can't wait to read about Day 3. Blogger is stupid a lot for me as well, so feel the empathy!

3:35 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I don't get the whole "pants" thing. Girls are crazy.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

hahaha you're not supposed to get it! It's not even a girl thing, it's a Stephanie thing!

You can be Benji-pants if you want to feel included too! ;)

4:22 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

How exciting, now we are going to need new photos of the nephew!

Oh, and you might need to get you a flickr account so you can have easy access to your photos without having to hassle with blogger.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Congrats, Auntie Steph! How exciting! I love babies, and wish *I* had that chance. My only friend who's got a baby didn't have a normal human baby but Damien, Demon Prince of the Underworld. It's kinda hard to enjoy him because he screams all the time whenever he doesn't get what he wants. I've never seen a more spoiled child. So, you can see why I never volunteer to babysit. Happily you'll be in this baby's life from the moment he's born, and that will be WONDERful for you.

I can't wait to see more pics. Maybe you're discovering your calling is to be a missionary. A couple of my close friends did. One even got his doctorate at MIT before he realized he was called to China. So much for the doctorate. ;o)

6:38 PM  

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