Saturday, December 31, 2005

Looking Ahead To 2006

As I reflect on this past year, I realize just how much God has taught me: how much He is still teaching me. I realize that I went through so much in such a short amount of time: and as heavy as my heart is sometimes, and as burdened a my mind is on account of all of these things, I still can't help but know that God will use my experiences from this past year to do mighty works in the lives of others. Isn't that what it's all about?

I'm thankful for the work He's done in me, and excited for what I know is
just around the bend. I'm also thankful for the people He's brought into my life, and the fact that He's taken certain people out. I'm thankful for strengthened relationships, better quality of life, new knowledge, and new friendships. I'm thankful for the work I've seen Him do in my loved ones who are unbelievers, and how He's used me in sometimes very bold ways to speak into thier lives. I'm especially thankful to God for gently guiding me to the blogworld in such a volatile time in my life: God has used you all in so many different and amazing ways to teach me, guide me, comfort and encourage me. God has truly truly blessed me with each and every one of you: and I thank you all for your amazing thoughts and insights, your feedback on my thoughts, your prayers, and most importantly, your friendship.

When I reflect on this past year, I see many things that I am to be thankful for, many things that I have accomplished, many set-ups for future accomplishments, and many many life lessons learned. Looking ahead to 2006, I eagerly anticipate the newness, the fresh-start-feel that a new year always seems to bring. I'm looking forward to yet another chance, new friendships, new oppportunities, and new adventures.

Thank you again, my friends, for all your encouragement, your caring words, your prayers, and your wisdom. May God bless you all this new year: may your prayers be answered, your dreams fulfilled, and your hearts warmed by friendship, family, and love. Have a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve, and we'll see y'all next year!

I love you all!


Blogger Tim said...


I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog this year. In the short time I've been reading, I am encouraged by your strength of faith and look forward to many opportunities in 2006 to see you grow in your walk with God.

Have a safe & happy New Year.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

happy new year precious friend

9:54 AM  
Blogger Charlyn said...

May God bless and grow you this year! Love ya blog friend!!

6:39 PM  
Blogger Mark D said...

Happy New Year, Steph!!

6:47 PM  

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