Thursday, February 09, 2006

And You Were There... And You! You Were There Too!

I had a dream last night: I don't remember what, where, how, or... what, but what I do know, is that I had a dream, and a few of you were in it. Katie of Kpinion, Eddo of Posted Note, Steve of Following God's Will, and Ben of Married In Minnesoooooota were all there. There very well may have been more of you there, but I just don't remember. All I know, is that I woke up remembering that these four in particular were in my dream. Again, don't ask me what, why, or how: I don't have a plot for you. We weren't re-enacting scenes from "The Matrix", and we weren't discovering mystical lands like the kids in "The Chronicles of Narnia". I'm really not sure of the story line: all I know is, they were all there.

Is this a shameless plug for all of my wonderful blogger friends? Not really: although it works quite well for that purpose! No, this is me just trying to remember what the heck my dream was about!

So I have an idea. In an effort to spark my memory, how about you (yes YOU. Even the ones who lurk around here but never EVER comment!) come up with a story line which includes me, Eddo, Katie, Ben, and Steve, complete with a plot, conflict, etc..., and leave it in the comments section of this post. I'm hoping that if I get enough stories, something will spark a memory in my head of what the dream was really about; in which case, I'll share it with you. Otherwise, if I can't remember, then we'll vote on the best story, and it will be featured on Monday's post.

The people who were in my dream are definitely allow to play too: so be creative, and comment away, people! I look forward to reading all the fun stories that you come up with when I get home!


Blogger Katie said...

ahahahaha, I don't know whether to feel complimented or disturbed

could I fly in your dream? I like it when I fly in dreams?

12:14 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I think we were all in Minnesota, enjoying the "freshly fallen snow" as Steve was teaching Katie how to flip the marshmallows (intended for our cups of steaming hot chocolate/mochas) into her mouth the "right" way. I already know how to do this and I was giving Katie pointers. "c'mon katie... nope... you have to open your mouth WIDER... I know you can do it... your mouth is bigger than mine." Eddie was freezing his butt off making comments about how he wished he was back in Texas... and then after the Marshmallow flipping... Eddie and Steve started rapping about snow.

Don't you remember?? I do, I was there.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Katie said...


whatever my mouth is bigger than yours

2:09 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Without question... I could hear your laughter all the way up here... "Momma Bear"


2:14 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

*Cracking knuckles*

Ok my turn:

Stephanie and I were schooling you young gents (oh wait you're all old men now), strike that . . . .

Stephanie and I were schooling the geriatric crowd of Ben, Steve, and Eddo on all things. First there was football, you all listened intently as I explained the game, Ben struggled with the whole offense/defense thing but we soldiered on; then we tackled gaming and Steph and I showed you each the proper way to play all those new fangled games that the young hip crowd are always talking about, we had to pause and explain the difference between a play station and game cube but you were each quick learners, Ben got a special lesson in the driving of John Deere four wheelers (he only flipped it once or twice and stripped the gears a bit but we won't mention that), Eddie got some pointers on web design and dancing, and well Steve, Steve was shown how Stephanie's fingers dance across the neck of a guitar (I really think he picked some good things to take home with him).

That's what I remember. No?

2:18 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Did you see that superbowl commercial where the guy tackled that girl... just leveled her? Yeah, um... that's what I did to Katie. I was there when they invented football... "little cub."

Also, does John deere make four wheelers?

I think we were all singing praises to God and Katie was smokin' crack. That or recovering from me leveling her on the football field.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

oh but ben did you see the end of that commercial when the girl tackled the guy while he was sitting at the bar, yep that was me, grandpa bear

2:32 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I feel so left out! LEFT.OUT.

I'm with you, K-T. I LOVE dreams where I can fly. I've had quite a few of those.

And I'm with Ben, I've heard of Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, and Kawasaki, but not John Deere when it comes to four-wheelers. You mean you're not perfect after all??!?

2:46 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

For all you disbelievers out there


2:59 PM  
Blogger Katie said...


3:02 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

I missed that part Katie... um... our maybe it is just selective memory... that happens to us "old" people.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

OH.MY.GOSH. hahahahahaha you guys are frickin' hilarious!

Katie: ME school STEVE?! HIGHLY unlikely. HE could school me on the guitar, and *I* could school him on how to sing like Sara Groves or Aretha Franklin. lol!

Ben: Eddie and Steve "rapping" about the snow. Priceless!

hahaha thanks for the laughs you guys!

I'm still waiting on Steve and Eddie's renditions: somebody get those guys over here! lol

5:20 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh and Katie: LOVE the new pic! hahaha

Amstaff: Didn't mean to leave you out girl! You can play too! You need to write a story line for my dream! What do you think happened?

5:23 PM  
Blogger Charlyn said...

Well, you didn't have Brett Favre in your dream!! (See my post! LOL)

How about you and Katie were out on Lake Michigan ice fishing, and as you gaze out your little port hole, you see a blur of scarves and hats run by. You look out and see the guys being chased by a huge black bear, screaming like girls. They fly up an evergreen tree covered in snow. The only problem is, they all fly up the same tree, and the tree is having a hard time holding them up. At this point you and Katie panic and aren't sure what to do. Steph pulls out her cell phone so quickly that it drops in the hole and is forever gone with the fish. Katie's phone isn't charged, so now what?

But wait, what's that? You hear a tune coming from the tree. Steve is leading Kum by Ya My Lord (SP?), and Ben and Eddo are trying to join in. You're stunned as you think it might be working, the bear is getting ansy and starts pacing (he's probably thinking - make it stop, make it stop!) So off runs the bear, and the guys climb down, fumbling all over each other.

At this point, you head back to Steph's little adobe for some hot chocolate or coffee and games with the rest of your blog friends. I believe Shenna and Sydney, Amstaff, Bees Knees and Ms. Thang are all there.

Next you hear the loudest thump ever, and this is when you wake up from falling out of bed!!

6:21 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

good. Now go have a dream about me winning the Caldecott medal and get back to me on it. ;o)

7:27 PM  

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