Thursday, January 26, 2006

"For I am the LORD that healeth thee"(Exodus 15:26).

Have you or anyone you know experienced Divine healing? Perhaps you heard a story during a sermon about a miraculous healing in someone's life who you don't even know that left you in complete awe. What happened? How did God move in that person's life? If you personally have been healed, how did He move in your life?

All stories, great and small, telling of God's healing power are welcomed and encouraged here today. Please feel free to share your stories of trials, faith, miracles, encouragement, and hope, as well as any scripture verses you can think of related to this topic.

Comment away friends!


Blogger Luke said...

The most miraculous story I've heard was from a minister in our church who moved to Mexico to help foster a church down there. Since he was originally from Indiana, he left most of his family behind when they moved to Mexico. One night about 3am they got a call that one of his grandson's was in a bad accident and they didn't know if he was going to make it. Preliminary X-rays showed multiple broken bones. They admitted him to the hospital with the intent of setting the bones and doing more tests the following day. The minister and his wife immediately headed back to Indiana, praying non-stop. The call went out to the church to pray also. The biggest fear stemmed from the boy being unconverted. Well, to make a long story short(er), by the time the minister arrived at the bedside the next day the doctors were flabbergasted. Not a one of the X-rays taken that morning showed broken bones. Something happened during the night that healed that boy. The fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.

While we often pray for God to intercede in these ways in peoples lives, I believe it is supremely important to always foster a sense of vertical meekness in situations like this. To always remember that God knows best, and no matter what the outcome to use it to become more Christ-like.

Kathy MacDonald (wife of Pastor James MacDonald) struggled for years when her elderly father died in an unconverted state. She asked God why, after all her prayers, He didn't see fit to change her father. After much struggle with the issue, she finally came to the point where she could honestly say, "God, I don't know your ways, but I trust you implicitly, and if you didn't want my father in heaven for some reason, then God...I don't either" WoW!! What a place to be at. Where God fills you so much with His Spirit and His desires, that you can make that statement! Let her be a testimony!

11:14 AM  
Blogger Luke said...

vertical meekness: The acknowledging that God is sovereign and that all His dealings with us are good and right regardless of the pain or joy they may cause.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Wow, thanks Luke, for that amazing testimony!

Unfortunately, I don't know that I agree that God "wouldn't want someone in heaven", I believe that's more a matter of the condition of that person's heart, and not God's desire for his destiny: God can't mess with free will after all! However, I think it's great that she's in a place of acceptance anyway: after all, you can't change what is done, no matter how hard it may have been to deal with.

Praise God that we can take comfort in Him!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Kristi B. said...

My sister gave my a cassette tape this Christmas that contains the testimony of the second highest leader in the Italian Mafia. He gives his whole story about how he got involved in the mafia, different assignments he carried out, jail time, just everything. Then he relates how God slowly worked on his heart, and finally got his complete attention.

He travels now ministering to youths and giving his testimony. It is truly powerful. I was moved to tears several times just listening to it.

I'm gonna have to find his name again, and see if there is somewhere online where you can hear his testimony. I'll research, then I'll be back!

11:31 AM  
Blogger Kristi B. said...

okay, that didn't take long. His name is Tom Papania.

Here is his website address:

There's a place on their where you can order his testimony on CD, but it's not written out in full-length form on the website. It's well worth it to purchase it and listen though!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

sorry Stephanie, no stories come to mind . . . but I'm going to enjoy reading what everyone else has to say

11:44 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I personally know of a case. It was my father. But he will never speak of it, other than to say he was healed of something. He says he won't talk about it because it's private, and because he doesn't want to give people a chance to focus on the problem and not on the solution (God). My father is an extremely calm, sensible Christian and I believe him, though I've never experienced it or known anyone else (personally) that has.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

BTW, you're in my blogroll now!

12:23 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Kristi: Oooh! Thanks! I'll make sure to check it out!

Saur: Very cool about your dad!

Oh and uh... what do you know? You're on my blogroll too! ;) And so are you Kristi!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

My grandfather was a missionary in his native Guatemala. It was (and is) a very dangerous place to travel, especially alone. He ran into a bad guy, all alone, and the guy had a knife to rob and kill him. His natural instinct was to shout, "Jesu Cristo, save me!" The guys eyes got really big and he fled. I don't know if he saw angels that day or just came to his senses, but my grandfather's life was spared.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Wow, JCol, that's an amazing story!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Paula said...

I have several friends who've experienced miraculous physcial healing and even more, including myself, who've experienced miraculous emotional healing. Seems like often the two go together--spritual/emotional healing and physical healing.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny you should ask that now. I just got healed of my asthma last wednesday in a prayer meeting... and I wasn't really even praying for it at the time.
it was just that all of a sudden I felt like a force slapped me in the back and some air went out of me. at first I panicked because I thought it was the Holy Spirit... I was thinking, "oh no, Holy Spirit, please don't leave me!"
a few hours after thinking about it I realized that when I breathed in deeply my chest didn't hurt anymore like it did for so long (due to my asthma). it's awesome.

11:10 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Paula: Thanks for stopping by! You're right, I've noticed that physical and emotional healing kind of go hand in hand. When I became born again, I was released of quite a bit of baggage, and He healed my singing voice (after five years of smoking.) Amazing God we have!

Dre: WOW!!! That's awesome! Thanks for sharing that!

8:51 AM  
Blogger Luke said...

Steph: I agree with in that I'm not real sure that God "didn't want" her father in heaven. It's a tough theological issue, and one that people I respect greatly stand on both sides of. One one side you have the issue of our free will. We have to make the decision to turn to God. One the other side you have the fact that we're predestined by God. We're chosen by God. Both concepts are strongly supported in scripture.

I think it's just awesome that I serve the God who can make both of those true even though it makes my mind spin. His power has no problem reconciling those facts. Praise Him!

11:58 AM  
Blogger Luke said...

Steph: I agree with you in that.... Sorry, typed too fast.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Mark D said...

Hi Steph,
Excellent topic. First, I think you and Luke both have good points. God gave us free will so that we could choose Him...He didn't make robots. If God could override our free will then everyone in the world would be saved, healthy, and provided for. I know people who buy into predestination to the point that they think some aborted babies to to hell (depending on what they were predestined to do). That, to me, is complete and utter nonsense. However, I have made plenty of really bad choices in my life and God in His mercy intervened. I also believe God prearranged a divine plan for all of us...yet it's up to us to choose to seek that plan. It takes both.

Anyway, I heard a Bible teacher say, "Many people look for the spectacular and miss the supernatural." What he meant by that is that many times people categorize divine healing as intantaneous only. The Bible says Christians will lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Recovery implies a process, but that is just as divine as the instant miracles are. I've seen both...and both are wonderful. Praise be to God!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Luke: Wow this could turn into quite an interesting debate. lol I believe in predestination ONLY according to God's foreknowledge. I think we are free to make our own choices, but God knew before time began who would be His children and who would reject Him. In THAT way, we are His chosen ones: the ones that chose to love Him.

I might have just busted open a can of worms right there, but OH WELL! hahaha my blog, my worms! lol

Mark: Well thank you for the lovely compliment! See my previous response to Luke on this topic :)

I do agree with you on the process - very true! Some are healed immediately: but for others, it's a process. The healing of my voice took time. But God did it: there not a doubt in my mind it was HIM.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was just married (like 11 years ago!) we were told that we would not have children. I have PCOS that at that time thye knew very little about.
My heart longed for a child. So bad sometimes that it physically hurt to think about it. So we prayed for a child. After a few miscarriages I became very discouraged.
On November 15, 1996 we found our that we were expecting our daughter. I knew that this was divine healing and God's answer to our prayers. She was healthy and lovely.
When she was three we were giving up hope to ever have another child. After a few more miscarriages we were convinced that she was our divine answer and that the answer was to have just one. Then she got to the point where she was praying for a brother or a sister. She really wanted one. We told her that sometimes Gods answer is no. We had finally come to aaccept that. On November 15 2001 we found out we were expecting our son.
Even though our children do not have earthly meanings to their names we have given them meaning. Our daughter - God's gracious and loving gift
Our son - God has bless again

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God has blessed again

2:20 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hula: What a beautiful story! And what a faithful God!

Thank you for sharing your amazing testimony!

2:29 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

My daughter was healed of scolosis, I had taken her for a year to doctors and finally to one here who wanted to operate and put a steel rod up her spine. I made a decision that day that if God loves us and we are His children that He would want to heal us. I figured if He couldn't heal then he was just like me and I wasn't going to believe in Him.

I knew I would heal my child if it were within my power. So anyway I stood on his word, that says, He is the same yesterday, today and forever and He healed her. At the time, my husband felt healing went out with the apostles, but the day we took her to be prayed for and God healed her, he actually told me all that was for money. I just ignored him and kept trusting God. When she was healed she ran around the church with the preacher and my husband was left standing there crying. As we were leaving the church that day with tears streaming down his face, he said, "honey, the Lord showed me today that He is God, and He is going to do what He wants, when He wants and How He wants whether I believe it or not. He is God.

To this day, my husband still cries if he tells the story. I wrote about it in my archives several months back! I serve an awesome incredible God!!

4:55 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

They hardest is coming to that place to say it is okay when he chooses not to heal someone. I have such a human perspective and think that of course it would be better for everyone to live full lives.

8:21 PM  

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