It's That Time Again!
With that said, I would like to redirect your attention (assuming that I still have it) to this upcoming missions trip of mine that I have been going on and on and ON about since I returned home from there the first time.
As you all know, while I was still there, I began to feel a stirring in my heart: a connection to this place that I couldn't quite put my finger on. But I knew for certain in my heart of hearts that the Lord was speaking to me in some very big ways: I just couldn't quite decipher what He was saying to me at the time. I recieved prayer in Jamaica from my team and the orphanage staff for my "direction-less life", almost BEGGING God to tell me something... ANYTHING!! He seemed to be silent. Or so I thought.
I also developed an overwhelming sense of peace that week, just one of the very many "clues" from above that would begin to literally flood my life, that I was to return for a time. To see the full story, click here.
Since having recieved "the call" to this mission, I have been approved for a three month stay in Kingston, Jamaica, beginning this fall. I will be working at the orphanage, more than likely working with the children as a house mother for the duration of the time that I'm there. I am extremely excited about this opportunity, but very humbled at the same time, knowing that God could have easily chosen someone else for the job and I would have been none the wiser: but He chose me. And while this is only a three month stay, and not a three YEAR mission, I am still greatly moved that God would allow me to take part in such a delicate mission as working with the homeless, abandoned, and neglected children of Jamaica - children who now, by the grace of God, have been given a second chance at life, love, and a relationship with thier Creator.
I also very much look forward to the lessons that I will learn, the experience that I will gain in working with children, the spiritual growth that I will undoubtedly experience, and the relationships that I will make that will surely last a lifetime.
I am responsible for raising my own funds, the total cost of which adds up to $6,120.00. This includes travel to and from Jamaica, room and board, personal care items, food, travel while on the island, and personal expenses.
I am believing that God will move the hearts of many so that I may meet my goal even before I leave. Would you consider sponsoring me with a financial donation, or even a committment to prayer for me for the duration of time that I'm serving there? Any and all contributions, both donations and/or prayers would be GREATLY appreciated! This is a HUGE step of faith I'm taking in my life, and I'm resting solely in the promises of God at this point:
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11).
I am also trusting in the call that I recieved from Him in scripture awhile back when I first submitted my application to the world missions department (please note my additions in italics):
"'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as prophet to the nations.'
'Ah, Sovereign LORD,' I said, 'I do not know how to speak(I am fearful); I am only a child(brand new child in my faith).'
But the LORD said to me, 'Do not say, "I am only a child." You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them(do not be fearful of the unknown), for I am with you and will rescue you,' declares the LORD.
Then the LORD reached out His hand and touched my mouth and said to me, 'Now, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant'" (Jeremiah 1:4-10).
and I'll send you all the necessary information to get you through the donation process. Also, I will be sending out weekly updates from the mission field, so if you would like to recieve those emails, please shoot me your email address to the address above, and I'll make sure to add you.
Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering sponsoring me: it means more to me that you can possibly know! And again, thank you to each and every one of you who has taken part in praying me into this mission - your prayers and support have helped bring me to a place that I never imagined I would ever be, short of the hand of God. And amazingly enough, here I am: and I still can't believe that I'm actually here. Ready to serve. Any way I can.
Thank You All.
Steph: One of my friends was doing fund raising for Relay for Life, and she put a PayPal button on her site that let people contribute directly to her Relay account. Just a thought.
Yeah, I did that in March for my first trip, and as Steve told me even back then, Paypal tends to rip you off by taking money out of each transaction that should be going to God's greater purpose so that they can make money. With them, it costs money to get money. Dumb.
I'm excited about your trip. I will support you in prayer as you go show God's love to these needy children. I am having to rely heavily upon God right now for my own financial needs, and regrettably, I'm not in a position to be able to give financially. I wish I could. If things get better during the next 3 months, I will send what I can. But I KNOW that God can supply your needs, and I'll be praying that way.
God Bless
I'm already praying and will continue until you tell me it isn't needed (ha, like that happens).
SOOOOO excited for you and for how God will shape you and use you in this amazing opportunity to serve Him.
I think this is so exciting for you - I wish I could be a stow-away in your bags!
Know that we'll be thinking of you and praying for you, friend.
Steph- I am SO happy and excited for you and your mission. I have never been to Jamaica, but have always wanted to go. My church does a missions trip every 4 yrs., and when my brother was in Sunday School, him and my parents got to go on the trip to Jamaica and they LOVED it. I can definitely tell that you have passion for this calling... you will definitely be in my prayers!
Hi Stephanie, and thanks for your comment on my blog.
Wow, Jamaica! My brother and sister-in-law were married on a beach in Jamaica (I think in Montego Bay), and they've been back for some vacations a few times since then as well. They only stayed in the resort areas though.
As I read your post, the part where you said that it is only 3 months instead of 3 years, what came to my mind was that God has to be able to trust us with a little before He can trust us with a lot. So who knows, maybe this could end up lasting longer (or maybe He'll send you some other place for a longer duration).
I will pray for you about this. It is so good that you are being obedient to His call and that you are so passionate about this. God bless you as you follow His way in your life!
Praying for you, Stephanie :)
"He will cover you with His feathers,
and under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."
Psalm 91:4
God bless you!
hi, stephanie. thanks for dropping by my blog. i will be praying for you. God shall supply all your needs. i really wish i could do more but my husband and i are also praying for financial provision for ourselves. but i'll see what i can do in the coming months. i believe God will provide.
God bless. :)
Kristi: Thank you very much for the prayers - and I'll be praying for you for God's provision for you financially as well!
Katie: "isn't needed" HA! But thank you, and you know I'm always praying for you as well.
Jes: I wish I COULD stow you away in my bags!! haha
Taryn: Thanks girl!
Shelley: Yeah, it's kind of scary to think what His plan might be in all of this! ;) Thank you for your prayer as well.
Audrey: Thank you! (I love that verse by the way!)
Pia: Thank you, and God bless you as well!
wow Stephanie, that is awesome. I am so proud of you and happy for you! Truly God has his hand on your life, I will email you and see what I can do to help.
Stephanie, I would love to help! What do I do? Where do I send a contribution? I'm excited for you! Keep me abreast of your mission experiences!
I'll be praying for and with you!
Dear Lord,
I want to pray for Stephanie and this trip. I ask that you would provide all the funds and everything that she needs to do this work that you have called her to do. Lord, we know that where you guide you also provide and we know that you have called us to be missionaries. You are the greatest missionary of all time and I ask that you would use Stephanie in Jamaica. Please lead her to people that you have prepared to hear the gospel. Let her speak boldy and confidently in love to those you place before her and please allow your name to be high and lifted up in Jamaica.
We trust you are returning soon and we pray that we would do the work of the ministry until the nets are full. In Jesus name I pray....Amen.
Ok that's weird...I left a comment a few days ago and I return and VOILA it's not there.
I am so happy that you are following the leading of God. I know that you are going to enjoy your time there.
Praying faithfully for you every day.
hey miss lovely, you're awfully quiet (oh wait now I think I know why)
we miss you, hurry back sweet friend
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