Friday, January 13, 2006

I Just Don't Care!

Apparently, at 25, I'm supposed to be actively seeking out the man who will one day be blessed enough to marry moi.

At least that's what people tell me I should be doing.

Did you know that there is some secret law out there which requires the married friends of single women to force all single, available, breathing human beings of the male variety down our throats? I didn't know that! Did you? Well, had I known, I might have formed a band of strictly single female friends in an effort to avoid the aforementioned pressure.

Excuse me! But where does it say that finding a husband must be my life's mission right now?

...Not that I would mind or anything if I did actually find one...

But that's not the point here! I have plenty of other things to focus on. I have school, work, ministry, the band, GOD: I have plenty of things going on: and if people can't see that God has plenty of opportunities to bring the right man for me into my life in His timing, just through all the things I'm involved in now, well, then, my darling friends need to re-evaluate how much they trust God to take care of the everyday things of our lives. God will make things happen for me when the time is right. In the meantime...

I. Don't. Care.

Now, this just tickles me pink. Because I really, really, really don't care whatsoever if I'm dating anyone - if there is a single man in my life to keep me entertained. (This, my friends, is a complete enigma to me, because I'm usually in the complete opposite state of mind. "Boys, boys, boys!") I'm finding that I'm a rather entertaining person all on my own. I don't need a guy to whisper sweet nothings in my ear to keep me on my toes and excited about life. God's doing enough of that on His own; way more than any man ever could.

Besides, men are just frustrating creatures anyway. Now, I'm certainly NOT coming down on guys here, especially my blog-boys (blog-men? haha), because you all are just awesome. That's not what I'm trying to do. It's the guys that are in my three-dimentional life that make me want to convert and become a nun sometimes.

I mean honestly: what is the deal with these guys? They play some serious GAMES. Christian boys! Playing games! ARGH!!! There's this one who shall remain completely nameless who is pretty evidently kind of interested. I don't think he's "clamoring to get at me interested", but we did "click" when we first met, and we get along really well. He leaves cute, nervous messages on my phone - when he actually DOES call. But he waits the standard three days to return my calls (if he even does call back), and makes it nearly impossible to get to know him beyond what he "allows". And honestly, I'm not really even trying to date the guy! I'm really just trying to establish a friendship, but he even makes that hard!

So, I've given up.

I've given up all all things "dating related": not because of mystery-boy, but because the culmination of all my experiences with men recently (and not so recently) has brought me to a place where, if I'm not knocked off my feet: it's not worth it. Sure, the attention from guys who are interested, but not marriage material is nice, but unless I feel like it's a God-appointed meeting, I. DON'T. CARE. I don't think I can stress that enough. Sure, I'll be your friend. I'd love to hang out. But here are the requirements:

1. If you don't like me "like that", don't make me think you do just because you're lonely and craving attention, or are on some "relational power trip". I'll figure you out and drop you like a hot potato. No games, or you're done.

2. If you do like, me: NO. GAMES. Be straight forward with me and tell me so. We can take it from there.

3. If you do like me and you're not a Christian, please don't play the "I'll go to church with you if you'll date me" card. Duh! I can see right through that! Yes, you can come to church with me. No, I won't date you. I'd still love to be your friend, but stop it with the pressure! You know what I'm looking for, and you'

4. Oh and as a continuation from number two: if you are ARE interested... PURSUE ME. No really! It's easy! You just pick up the phone and call! Oh! And if you ask me to do something like, go to a movie, or to go see a musical or a concert... if I'm interested, I WILL say yes. It's that simple.

Really guys, it's not that hard. These are simple rules that all men should abide by when they're dealing with any Christian woman. And if you follow these rules, it makes it really easy for both parties, because then no one is playing the guessing game: "Does he like me? Does he NOT like me? But he's really nice and..." you get my drift? Guys, save yourselves the hassle: be straight forward.

And friends: leave us single gals alone. We're not doing any damage to anyone or anything by not getting married right now: we're not putting holes in the ozone layer, destroying rainforests, or striking people dead by being alone. We're actually kind of enjoying the freedom that comes with not having a family to take care of: and when God is good and ready, he will bring the right men in our lives who will happily and fervently pursue us with all that they have in them, because they'll know that one more day without us would be agony.

But until that day comes, I'm happy and content right where I am: In the land of....



Blogger Katie said...

"we're not putting holes in the ozone layer, destroying rainforests, or striking people dead by being alone."

That one line made me laugh out loud.

Oh Stephanie, I hear you, I am you (we've established that already though).

Seems like a losing battle sometimes, but the single life (and everyone has either had one or is in one) is at least interesting.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

SO true. Plus, it's a great time for God's refining fire to really come down to shape and mold us.

I seriously doubt I'd be going through such massive changes in my personal life if I were married right now.

God is so good!

I knew you'd appreciate this post, Katie. Glad someone else "gets" it too ;)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Charlyn said...

Stephanie, I think it's o.k. to be single, and I firmly believe that God has someone out there for ya! So enjoy life on your own for now, focus solely on your relationship with Christ, and wait for good things to happen.

With your charming personality and cute looks, you'll land a good one, I'm sure of it!!

12:37 PM  
Blogger Tim said...


People always tell me not to worry about being single. As you know, being single can be good. In fact I'm glad you don't care. If you rush into things you could end up a divorcee, just - like - me. I never in a million years thought I would be where I am right now.

Good thing for me God has the directions for my life and will lead me to the right woman when it's time...

do I find it frustrating sometimes (being single)? Absolutely. But I'm not going to worry about it. Wonder, yes. Worry, no.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

Thank you. I don't want to be set up. EVER. I've dated about a bazillion game playing losers this year, and I would love to meet someone who ISN'T a game playing loser. But friends? DO NOT SET ME UP.

Thank you.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Mark D said...

Wonderful post, Steph. I have been there (not as a single girl, though). At least you have single friends to hang with. I was the last of my circle of friends to get married and it made it difficult not to get impatient. Same type of thing happened with having kids (I guess in August we can officially join the "parents" group). You are at a wonderful place right now because many people DO care...and are thinking that a wife or husband will fill a void that is there because their walk with God is not what it should be. I agree with Logan about being specific with God. I did that. I wrote out spiritual, personality, and physical preferences and God met every one of them. Well, almost. My wife is a couple inches shorter than the range I had specified and she is afraid of spiders. Hmmm. However will I deal? (sarcasm) God has truly blessed me with a wonderful woman and I know he has an awesome man in store for you. So, three things you can do right now...1) As Logan mentioned, be specific with what you want 2), pray for your future husband, and 3) make yourself marry-able (not to imply that you aren't already). I'd better cut this off here as it's getting long for a comment. Maybe I should have emailed. Oh well.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Oh girl!

"but unless I feel like it's a God-appointed meeting"

I shall pray that God knock's you over the head with a baseball bat when it's THE RIGHT GUY!


8:05 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

When you least expect it and aren't even looking, the one God has for you will just show up and you will know that you know they are right for you.

I agree with all your commenters, and by all means pray for God to send the right one and He will.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Very well said, Steph.

2:15 PM  

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