Pet Peeves
As Christians, we are supposed to love our neighbors. We're supposed to love one another as Christ loved the church: and I do! I make a concerted effort at all times to be loving to those around me (even if I don't want to). But no matter how much love I'm doling out to my fellow man, there are just some things that people do that drive me absolutely crazy!
Without further adieu, I give you:
"You Know You've Ticked Off Stephanie When..."
1. You wait at a traffic light next to me on a two-lane street which is about to go down to one lane, and insist on drag-racing with me to see who can be in front of who in the end.
I'd beat you if I actually chose to participate in your childish little game: I have a six cylinder. You don't.
2. You poke me over... and over... and OVER again when trying to get my attention.
It's not helping your case whatsoever that you are annoying the crap out of me when trying to talk to me. I have a personal bubble, and you are totally in it. Get out.
3. You won't let me in when I'm trying to change lanes.
No. Really. I've had my blinker on and have been hovering in front of you for five miles. Do you think you could help a sister out?
4. You insist on touching me even though I've made it pretty clear that I don't want you to.
*Disclaimer: I am a very touchy-feely type of person, don't get me wrong. I love to hug and be close to the ones I love. But everyone needs a little space once in awhile, including me: and there are one or two people in my life who INSIST on glomming all over me every chance they get.* Really: you don't need to touch me I'm pretty sure you'll survive without touching my arm, kissing my cheek, or squeezing the God-breathed life out of me whenever I'm within a five mile radius of you. The more you do it, the less I want to be around you. Isn't there a happy medium?
5. You decided to become a city bus driver.
It's really not personal. However, I can't very well get mad at the BUS, can I? It's a piece of machinery without a soul! So when I get totally irritated because your bus is weaving in and out of traffic at 7:55 in the morning and I'm less than 5 minutes from work, but because I can't seem to get around you before you're pulling away from the bus stop again and merging into traffic - AGAIN - and then you drive 5 miles per hour until you get to the next stop, and then the light turns red... and now I'm late for work... well... let's just say, my frustration has to go somewhere, and that somewhere generally is - YOU, the poor bus driver-man (or lady) who likely never intended to become the target of everyone's road rage, but on account of the fact that you drive a slow TANK, you have no choice. So uh, yeah. Sorry about that.
6. You tell me that "I can't" or "I shouldn't" just to be disagreeable.
I don't have any smart-aleck commentary for you about this one. I just don't like it. So don't do it.
I have a few other pet peeves that have been discussed in previous posts of mine: so if you're so inclined, feel free to go ahead and read about how guys and the friends who like to throw them at me tick me off, as well as how the little nuances of dating can tend to make me slightly irritated (and frightened!). Or, you could just read about how I irritate myself by being such a klutz.
God Bless!
katie makes a mental note to do none of the above for fear of the wrath of stephanie
You made me laugh Steph. I both empathize and sympathize.
I almost lost my dinner laughing at this story AND the links you provided, since I did not know of your blog until well after these posts had hit archives. Thanks for brightening up an otherwise dull day...
Do I sense a little road rage going on here? I could get a few Xanax from a friend of mine for ya!
Now that we know drives you crazy, tell us what things make you happy?
*snort..was that you trying to nudge my bus off the street???!! For shame! *giggle
I have three pet peaves...and that's pretty much it (no particular order).
1. Customer service people who are rude to begin with before you even have a chance to display that you are friendly...and they interrupt constantly so that you can never finish a sentence.
2. Bad drivers - including those who can drive well but they drive obnoxiously. Don't get me started.
3. Wasting time. Has been for a long time, but even more so after my near-death experience. Life and time is so precious that it bugs me when people consider my time a common commodity. Think 2 hours waits at doctors' offices. I can totally relate to the "delicate genius" mentality (reference to a Seinfeld episode). I have waited an hour at the doctor's off ice and then told them they missed the appointment and "dared" them to charge me for it. They didn't. And I changed doctors.
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