Picture This:
You, however, are greeted by a very hesitant, rather "bothered" looking young woman who looks at you as if she wants to say, "what do you want?" You look up, state that your name and that you are picking up. Your "friendly" tech rolls her eyes at you, turns around, fishes out your prescription, throws it on the counter and says, "I will help you when you are done." You politely inform her that you are totally ready to be helped, but she apparently doesn't agree. "No, actually, it is R.U.D.E. for you to be on the phone while I am trying to help you. I'll wait." You look at her in total and complete amazement as you tell your friend that you'll call her back.
You complete your transaction, and as you do so, your "friendly" tech, begins to shower you with fake, forced politeness.
Now you, my friends, get to finish this story. What do you do from here?
As I'm sure you all guessed, yes, this did happen to me - last night in fact. And I did what any self-respecting, disgruntled customer would do:
I tattled.
This seemed to be the consensus among you all anyway, so I now don't feel bad about it: although, if you were to have asked me last night, I would have told you that I felt pretty darned bad about getting this girl in trouble. I questioned whether or not it went in line with my morals and standards as a Christian to speak with a manager about how horrible this girl treated me. Part of me kept thinking, "turn the other cheek, Stephanie".However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that, if I were to put the shoe on the other foot, and put myself in her place, *as a Christian*, I would have kept my mouth shut and been as pleasant as possible - because Christ called me to do so. Besides, it would have likely not even crossed my mind to get angry about such a thing in the first place, because that's such a small thing to get riled up about!
Part of me is a little nervous to ever go back to that particular pharmacy, because, well - what if she didn't get fired? She knows that I was the one that tattled on her! So if she didn't lose her job, and I do go back and she waits on me, well! Wouldn't that be slightly uncomfortable! I'm kind of non-confrontational that way (many ways, actually)...
Maybe I'll just switch pharamcies...
Ooooh first commenter!!!!
I'd pay for my prescription, and find a different pharmacy, for the next time.
I'd also mention to the store manager how the customer service was.
I know there are different views on this, but they are there to serve and if they don't give me the service I deserve, I would definately report them to mgmt. We pay their salaries when we purchase from their establishments, so if we are talking to a friend who is with us or on the phone we should get service!!!
I would have politely picked up and paid for my prescription, found the manager and reported her, as she was quite rude and her job really is customer service.
I would probably pay, take my prescription and just be kind to her and thank her for her help. I'm a wuss, I know.
See now I have two different views. She is in customer service. Regardless of whether I'm on the phone or not (especially if it's just to pay for medication) she should just take care of it.
I was in customer service. We were told to service no matter the circumstance. So...with that said, I would have found the manager for sure.
youch. I guess she's never been good at multi-tasking!
I don't think you have to run from your pharmacy. Just show up and if she is waiting on you again, be your sweet self and consider the event over with. If she acts inappropriately then tell the manager again.
Wise words from a wise... Katie. :)
So...what do you think would've happened if you had sincerely apologized to her for being on the phone and that it was rude and she was right to bring it to your attention?
I'm not saying that what you did was wrong or right, I'm just throwing the question out there. What do you think would've happened?
Oh but I was just too mad to do that!! hahaha
No, I guess I don't know what would have happened. She probably would have gotten a snotty look on her face if I would have done that too: I just don't think she was in the mood to be nice no matter what I did.
Are you saying that's what you would have done?
Can I say, having worked in banks, retail, other customer service type jobs, her attitude was R.U.D.E. hehe. That you have full right to complain about and don't feel bad for saying so. If anything she will be very polite from here on out.
I feel a phone conversation is just like a conversation with someone right there. If you are engrosed in a conversation with someone, customer service cannot find what you need or carry on any sort of conversation.
I have had so many people walk up to me with cell phones in their ear and never once making eye contact, getting annoyed when I ask a question, having to interrupt them to finish a transaction or sentence. This says to me that I am not important. No one likes to feel this way, obviously.
By getting off the phone you are saying that your conversation with the customer service is valuable to you and the time he/she spends with you is as well.
Her attitude is what you complained about not your right to use the phone in a public place. Good customer service is a standard you even as a God-fearing Christian should not be afraid to request or expect.
That's just my opinionated opinion.
Steph: It's hard to say what I would've done had I been in your situation. I can sympathize with both you of. When you're in the middle of a convo on the phone you don't want to cut it off just so you can get your prescription. In that case the girl behind the counter should be understanding and polite as possible. However, when you're behind the counter you also expect some courtesy and respect from your customers, and if she didn't feel like she was getting that from you it probably bothered her. I do NOT think that excuses her from still treating you with respect.
All I'm saying is that there is two sides to this coin. I bet'cha if the girl behind the counter had a blog, and she wrote about the same story, all her friends that leave her comments would think she was in the right. :) Does this make sense at all?
Once again, I'm not excusing her behavior, just trying to give a new perspective.
True forgiveness comes most easily and often in the form of true understanding.
Well if I were the tech---I wouldn’t be rude to you---I would try to work as you went along with your conversation….~However~ if it was very unclear about what you wanted due to your cell phone convo, I would have given you a little attitude, because there are customers waiting behind you, etc…
I’d let it go. I think a lot of people are very sensitive when it comes to the ‘politeness’ that’s not given – and why should it? Everyone’s different. As for ‘me’ personally, I feel very uncomfortable having a conversation on my cell phone while trying to shop or purchase something at the counter. I get embarrassed by talking on my cell. BUT----that’s just me.
Just let it go—forgive and forget, and remember, she probably had a really bad day at her job, so it wasn’t even probably about ‘you’ per se, it may have been something else brewing in her life.
Then again—the customer’s always right!
(Bi-polar comment) I know…
That tech was a total jerk. You should've turned her in a heartbeat. And not just to satisfy yourself, it's your obligation. Do you know how many others she's offended? Or how much money she may have cost the store for her behavior?
I'll tell you a true rule of thumb: for every complaint that is received, there are 7 or more that didn't complain. I was a retail manager for years. Trust me! I know!
And I own my own business. I would hope a disgruntled customer would call me so that I could save it and make it right.
You go, girl!
I would completly freak out and tell the lady to get out of my face and get someone else over there help me, or the supervisor.
I always try to get my feeling out when I feel them or I will feel terrible later for not saying something.
Yes, I absolutely agree with all of you that she was totally and completely out of line. But, as the bee's knees and luke both pointed out, I could have probably avoided the whole mess by getting off the phone before I made it to the counter. Definitely doesn't excuse her behavior, but - well, I could have done my part.
And trust me: your suggestions of what I *should* have done: ie: "turned her in a heartbeat" lol and "tell her to get out of my face" probably would have temporarily been more theraputic for me (at that point I had enough anger flowing through my veins for three people!): but, I have to maintain my witness at all times and costs: so I chose the Deb route - forgive and forget.
Well: tattle, THEN forgive and forget ;)
If your town is anything like mine, there is another Walgreens a mile down the road. Just transfer your prescription to that one.
Wow. She has a lot to learn.
First of all, I can understand how she felt, being in customer service myself. I have to agree with Bee on that one, if you want to talk on the phone, then do that, if you want to pick up your meds, do that, but not both.
BUT, in no way, under no circumstances, should she have treated you that way!
To avoid another ugly interaction, I suggest finishing your call first next time. Or at least, that's what I would do!
Gotta luv ya!
You know what, here's what the real issue is (and be prepared because it's a huge paradigm shift).
What you need to realize is...
oops, hang on - my phone is ringing.
Well I also had a similar situation. (at BlockBu**er) I had already paid when the phone rang. All I had to do was leave. The lady was rude and would not hand me the movies as I was leaving. I did say something to the manager.
The next time I went in I felt bad. She was the one to help me. I explained that I was sorry. I was upset by her actions. She laughed it off and thanked me for apologizing. So..don't feel too bad. Sometimes facing it actually makes the situation better!
Logan: Amen brother!
Crystal: Don't think I haven't thought of it!
Shenna: Yes ma'am! ;)
Tony: Funny guy! HA. HA. lol
Hula: Yeah, that's my concern is that I'll run into her again: well - that would be a good opportunity to be a witness for Christ right there, now wouldn't it?
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