I Can't Hear Yooooooooooou!
When I can't hear God.
Do you know how often I'm frustrated?
All the time!
I truly believe that God speaks to us in a variety of different ways. However, I am not wholely and completely convinced that this is totally God's doing. I believe that if I were a little (okay, a LOT) more in touch with God, that I would hear His voice loud and clear. If I were like my pastor, or a myriad of other church leaders and elders, I would be so in sync with God that I could hear Him speak to me so crystal clear that I'd know for SURE what He wanted of me at any given moment! He make sure I knew where He'd want me to go to school, He'd tell me what He wanted me to major in: He'd even shout at me what scriptures to look up when I need a Word of encouragement. He'd tell me exactly where my money should be going. He'd direct me to give to this missionary or to that ministry and exactly how much; and I would be just so full of faith that I would do it without hesitation! God would just direct my life and it would flow like a gentle breeze throughout the years being ever so gently lead by God's direction day in and day out.
Okay. Wow. That paragraph got more and more cynical as it went on. Let me explain.
I truly believe that God does speak to these people sometimes. And I really believe that if I were more in touch with Him, He would be clear; almost specific at times what He wanted of me: when, where, and how.
It just seems to me that some people are hearing from God all the time! "I prayed about which car to buy, and God answered." "God told me to give ten thousand dollars to this ministry - even though I couldn't afford it, but I did it in faith anyway." "I couldn't decide which school to go to and God told me specifically which one AND told me the telephone number!"
I believe God. I believe Him now more than ever, actually. I believe in our Father, Jehova Jireh. He does provide, and He WILL answer our prayers! He IS the great "I AM". But how clearly does He really speak to us? Are some of these people out there who claim to hear God all the time just full of hot air? And if He really is telling people to do this and do that, then how are they hearing him? I mean, if God said in a big, booming voice, "Stephanie! Give your next three paychecks to Bill S. in Honduras so he can make repairs on his home!" You bet I'd be sending Bill S. my next three paychecks! But if God speaks to people in that "still small voice" of His, well then, couldn't we confuse what He's trying to say? In the instance that I mentioned above where God told someone to give ten thousand dollars to a ministry, well... if He wasn't shouting at this poor man, couldn't this guy have confused what God was trying to tell him? What if God only meant for the guy to give ten dollars to this ministry?!
God has spoken to me in very obvious ways a couple of times, but it hasn't been in an audible voice. For example, there was a time about a year and a half ago, in which I was struggling with someone in our church being in a position of leadership when he really had no business being so. He was arrogant, pushy, controlling, easily angered, and downright rude to people, making it difficult to sit back and actually want to be taught by this guy. There always seemed to be an alterior motive behind his actions. So, I began to pray about it one night asking God if He thought I was just being irrational or if I was validated in what I felt. After awhile I decided to open up my Bible and found myself in Titus (where I had yet to venture to). It was there, I found my answer. In chapter 1 entitled, "Leadership in the church", I read verses 7-9:
"Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless - not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkeness, not violent, not pursuing deshonest gain. Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has bee taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it."
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you (John 15:7).
There was another time when I asked God a question, and I felt like an answer was placed in my mind: as if it wasn't my own thought. It was rather strange. But I believe that was God too. However, I just can't get past how clearly and often some people hear from God. It's like they have His telephone number and can just call Him up and be like, "Hey God. It's me again. I don't mean to bother you, I know you're really busy, but I have a doozey of a problem that I need your help with. Think you could take care of this for me? Yeah? Okay great! Thanks!"
Can I have that number?
I asked this question a few posts ago, but really didn't get much in the way of a response (with the exception of one or two people - thanks guys!), so I thought I'd give it another shot.
How do YOU hear God? Or, if you don't hear God personally, then what have others that you know said about how they hear God? Do you have any scripture that might help me or any others who are struggling in this area find an easier way to communicate with God? I'm really digging here people: so I truly need your help. I'm pleading with you all to really put on your thinking caps here and dig deep into the recesses of your mind to bring forth any related experiences that you may have in this area, scriptures, teachings... whatever you have, I'll take it. I am a woman on a mission, so I am hoping you will help me in my endeavor to know more of God, and to help others know more of Him as well.
I hope you're all having a blessed day!
Hey Stephanie, I wish I could offer some great plan for hearing God, but for me it has always been a struggle. This quote jumped to my mind as I read your post:
God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.
C S Lewis
So when have I heard the Lord speak to me? Sometimes, I hear His whispers of encouragement, I hear His Spirit speaking to my heart (conscience), and I hear Him shouting as I struggle in pain. But often times, I strain my ears and seem to hear nothing.
That isn't an answer to your question, I'm not sure there is one, but in reading what you've wrote I think you are hearing Him more than you think, and you are drawing closer to Him every moment so you will hear Him more.
Thanks, sweet friend. This post ministered to me in a way you might not know. I needed to hear this.
God? he talks to me through the barking dog outside my window, uhh no wait he says I can't tell you that.
Never mind.
Oh wow Steph. You've hit on a topic that is very important to me. I believe there is a ton of confusion on this topic, and I've spent a lot of time over the past year and a half learning about it. Rather than try and condense all my study into a blog comment, I'm going to give you some links to some amazing materials on this subject.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
If you'd like, I could email you the pdf study notes from the first link. They're an excellent resource to guide a Bible Study on this topic.
p.s. I've got a post up today that I'd love your opinion on!
Katie: Love the quote. I need to start reading more of C.S. Lewis. I still haven't even read "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe"!
"So when have I heard the Lord speak to me? Sometimes, I hear His whispers of encouragement, I hear His Spirit speaking to my heart (conscience), and I hear Him shouting as I struggle in pain. But often times, I strain my ears and seem to hear nothing."
I definitely don't hear Him shout, but I can relate to the rest of it. I have a post coming tomorrow (a poem) in which I talk a bit about that. I love God's whipers. I don't "hear" anything audibly, but it's a feeling. His awesome presence that seems to whisper, "It's okay. I'm here." I LOVE that.
Luke: I would definitely appreciate the study notes. I'll definitely look into the materials soon, thanks :)
well, that shouting of him is not really verbal or any sound at all, it is more the pain within the pain, the knowledge that in the pain I caused there is pain on His part because I am so far from Him, or the flip side, in the pain that just flows naturally from this world, it is His love and grace and mercy that shouts out in the midst of that crying for me to hold on to Him. Does that even any sense?
Girl I think your exact thoughts ALL the time. Seriously, this topic plagues me. I would LOVE to talk about it with you! My AIM is LaDNRed16 if you ever wanna chat.
Steph, I think one way that people hear God is by being at peace. I feel if you are at peace in something, then it is of God. So in your car example, if they felt a peace about one car over the other, there was their answer (especially if they prayed about it first.)
Another way that people hear God is by being in his word. So many times God answers our questions, doubts & fears in his Word. When you are in it often enough, his word is in you, in your head, and easily accessible when you need an answer.
Proverbs 30:8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.
I also believe that he speaks to us through other believers. Have you ever been in a trial or had some sort of doubt, and another believer shares something with you to make it more clear?
Peace. God's word. God's word = peace.
Love ya!
First: you are long winded today.
Next: if you cant hear, then listen. If you still cant hear, get closer then listen.
See. It is just that simple.
Katie: Okay. I get that. Totally makes sense: and I can relate.
Leslie: Anytime girl, I'd love to chat!
Shenna: I believe that He speaks through other believers too. He's good like that. He works through others to to propel His plan for you forward. "God's Word = Peace". Got it. ;)
BWH: Tell me how you really feel! First: You are blunt.
Next: Got it. Simple. But is it really that easy?
Steph, I agree with you in that I think what people "hear" is not always God speaking to them. You have to be careful. To me, He speaks to me in His Word. He speaks to me in music, and He speaks to me with Godly counsel. Sometimes He speaks quietly to my very soul. I treasure those times.
Steph- I think I out did you and K-T for longest post of the month. Check my blog.
Do I get an award!!! LOL!
I'm not even sure where it came from, I'm usually a "short post" kind of gal!! :)
I can only remember hearing God once... I was walking from my place of employment and I asked God directly outloud, "God, why do you give me days like this."
To which he immediately place the thought in my head, "So you can enjoy the good days Ben."
Other than that... I have only seen him respond to prayer requests... Not much else. I see the results... but from an audible perspective, I haven't heard from him.
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