Sunday, September 09, 2007

Oh, The Days When I "Mused"...

Once upon a time, you all had a friend. Her name was Stephanie. Stephanie was a spontaneous, adventurous, soul-seeking type: a singer with an unquenchable desire for God and the limitless worship of said God, having launched herself on the never-ending quest for life, love, and the pursuit of the Almighty.

"WHERE DID SHE GO," you may have asked yourselves, once, twice, or maybe never.

I'd be willing to bet that at one time or another you all thought that you would never see anything come out of this blog again.

Well, dust the cobwebs off of your seats, ladies and gentlemen, because you're in for the ride of your lives!!!

Okay... well... not really. But I do have quite a few stories to share. Life has in fact been somewhat of a ride for me lately. I know, I know, how can it possibly be any more crazy than the last ride I just went on? (For you more loyal readers, you know what I'm talking about.) But trust me: something that I've learned over the past few months is this: just when we think we've arrived - spiritually - just when we think we've hit the highest high, and that it can't possibly get any better than this... God proves us wrong.

Now, I'm certainly not saying that every moment of my life in the last nine-or-so months have been a fairy-tale. And no, I'm not married... there's not even a man in the picture, friends - STAY FOCUSED!! What I'm talking about is the constant journey, the constant learning process that God has us in. He wants relationship with us, and in order for Him to do that - in order for Him to use us - He must teach us first. We need to learn, to a.) know Him and love Him more, and more, and more: always striving for higher heights with Him. And b.) to become equipped to do His work. Whatever work it is He'll have us accomplish for Him while we're here on this earth.

I truly love the idea of helping to advance the Kingdom of God. I can't say that I'm always very good at it. Many times, we have our own agendas, and they can tend to get in the way in a very messy fashion. But again, in order to do that, in order see His desires for this life - for our lives - above and beyond our own agendas is nothing short of... heh... well, let's face it... a miracle from above. But that's what I'm saying. It's a learning curve. It's a process.

I don't know how many of you out there believe in prophecy or gifts of the spirit... well... I do. Most days. Call me a fundamentalist, call me what you will, but some of my story includes use of, impartation of, the aforementioned gifts, which actually prove rather critical to certain aspects and outcomes of my journey. Now. I know I may have just lost some of my readership. That's okay. My blog. My story. But perhaps, (if I didn't just scare you off two-fold with my abruptness), maybe just maybe you might find it in your hearts to see me through to the present-day "Anie", to see what all the fuss is about. It's all intertwined! Really! There's so much that has gone on... but truly... it's all been a part of God's agenda: a means by which to teach me, disciple me, and ready me for something... greater.

However, just to make it fair, considering I just realized that I haven't really given you all a choice as to whether or not you get to experience the "Jamaica 2006" saga from start to finish, I'll give you all a choice. I can start at day 3, and just plow through (including weekends), until I finish, OR, we can put it off, I can share more current, up-to-date life stories, and get back to Jamaica whenever we get around to it. So... knowing that I have about 3 regulars who check back like, once a month to see if I'm still breathing, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide what the topic of discussion will be for the time being.

So! With all that being said... I have missed you all dearly, and can't wait to start browsing your blogs and catching up on your lives!

Much Love,
