Monday, November 21, 2005

50 Things Everyone Should Know About Moi

... in no particular order...

1. I'm a Christian. Hmmm. I wonder if that was a mystery to anyone.

2. I love animals. (Except cats kind of annoy me: but they still have thier cute moments.)

3. I love to travel. I have a rather exhaustive list of destinations that I have traveled to, and I plan to add to it. Actually, I'll be adding Seattle to my list this Christmas (going to visit my dad and step-mom)... so excited to see Mt. St. Helens and eat TONS of seafood.

4. I L O V E Christmas. Love it. Already listening to Christmas music, and actually ATTEMPTED to get my tree this past weekend. Who would have thought that most places don't start selling trees until AFTER Thanksgiving? What the crap is that about?

5. I use the phrase "what the crap" quite a bit. Can't decide if that's a bad thing or not.

6. I'm very spontaneous. I tend to live by the seat of my pants (not always a good thing.)

7. I love to sing. Again, wondering if this was a mystery to anyone.

8. I'm a social butterfly.

9. It's not very often that I enjoy being alone, but when I am, I like to light a few candles in my bedroom and play my guitar, read (my bible or one of the countless other books that I own), listen to classical or jazz while reading, or just lay in my super comfy bed and watch a movie.

10. I just recently took up the guitar again, and I don't have time to practice. But I'm going to start making time. You don't get good by just watching it sit in the corner.

11. I intend on learning how to play the piano (for real this time). Took lessons a few times and had to take a class in college. For some reason, it just didn't stick. But I have a keyboard that sits in the corner of my room too. Poor neglected instruments.

12. I hate it when people poke me to get my attention. Tell me that doesn't annoy you too. It's okay when kids do it, but adults should know better.

13. I love kids. In fact, I'm a kid magnet (I know I've said this before, but I'm just reiterating): so much in fact, that I can hardly walk through the halls in church without being attacked by one of my little ankle-biting friends. Love them all.

14. I tend to be completely disorganized. I'm sure you can figure that out by my random thought processes. This is not a character trait that I like. In fact, it is something that I pray I can change.

15. I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up.

16. I love to learn. I get overly excited about school and reading and learning and... all that great stuff! Click here to see what I'm talking about.

17. I am very emotional. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve quite a bit.

18. I am very compassionate toward people in need.

19. I can be moody sometimes.

20. I don't like brussel sprouts.. or mushrooms unless it's with steak, or if there's a dish made with sauteed mushrooms in it. But even then I probably won't eat the mushrooms: just the sauce.

21. I love to hike. I hiked in Sedona, AZ. two summers ago: SO beautiful. I would LOVE to hike the Grand Canyon.

22. I went surfing for the first time in San Diego on that same vacation, and on my second day of surfing, my surboard whacked me in the face. I still have the scars (and pictures) to prove it.

23. I've held a tarantula (same vacation: in Sedona) even though I tend to be very bug-a-phobic.

24. I went on a vacation two summers ago, where we flew into Vegas, stayed for a few days, headed out to San Diego, stayed for 4 days, and then flew to Phoenix for the last five days. Lots of memories there.

25. When I tan, I get pretty dark. Many people have asked if I was Hispanic. Only in the summers though.

26. I'm very German, with some Irish, Austrian, Bohemian, and we're pretty sure there's some Black Irish in there too. Have to check geneology on that one to be absolutely sure though.

27. I've gone to four colleges. Right now I'm attending a bible college in a questionable area of town. Thier focus: urban ministry. It's been interesting so far.

28. The first school I went to was UW-Stevens Point. There, I majored in vocal performance for a year and took virtually all music classes. I was in a vocal jazz choir which I loved, but I hated music theory, which was why I dropped the program. Really wish I hadn't though.

29. I have the coolest grandpa in the world. He was a marine and his infantry (troop, whatever. I don't know technical terms) was the first ever to test the nuclear bomb. They underestimated and were too close the first round. My grandfather is one of the only ones still physically unaffected.

30. I like to fish.

31. I love the outdoors. Stick me in the middle of the woods, and I'm a happy girl.

32. I love snow. Until Christmas is over. Then I want summer or fall back.

33. I LOVE fall. Love it. I've talked about this before too, but I love all things fall: pumpkin pie, candles, and ice cream (yes, they make pumkin ice cream), fireplaces, colors, apples (I try to make apple sauce every fall), apple cider, etc.

34. When Christmas comes around, I get very excited about Christmas tastes and smells. Gingerbread lattes from Starbucks, Vanilla Bean Noel lotion from Bath and Body works, gingerbread ice cream by Edy's... I could be a walking advertisement for all things seasonal, I know. But who doesn't love all of this stuff? It's what makes the holidays!

35. I have the greatest parents ever. My mom is just like me and we have WAY too much fun together; she's also an extremely giving and compassionate woman. Always looking to help others. My step dad is one of the most thoughtful people I know: my mom and I are first priority. He's great. My dad is a funny guy. We have the same sense of humor, and he cracks me up. My step-mom is a very spiritual lady: very good for spiritual guidance. Oh and what the heck. Love my grandparents too: I'm thier only grandchild, and they're my dad's parents: but still get along with my mom and step-dad. In fact, my mom still calls grandma her "mother-in-law", and they come over for all holidays and birthdays and random dinners. It's kind of a different situation, but a cool one.

36. I have a cat named Oz who I got from the Humane Society when he was two. He's now 7, and has lived with my parents for 4 years. He likes them better: he bites me. lol

37. This past spring I lost 40 pounds. I want to lose some more though.

38. I'm convinced that most men are scared of tall women. I'm 5'9" and haven't had a boyfriend for quite a number of years. I've had a number of pseudo-boyfriends who weren't worth my time, but no one serious and committed to me since I was 20.

39. I want to be a wife and a mom someday.

40. I'd like to live the nice suburban life, but I'm open to whatever or wherever God leads me.

41. I'm a hopeless romantic.

42. I officially have extremely high standards when it comes to men. I know I've said it before, but the man who gets to have me will move heaven and earth to do so.

43. I love chocolate. Yippee for chocolate.

44. I have some of the greatest friends on earth. They love me, and protect me, and help me make decisions regarding things that I might otherwise screw up due to my spontaneous nature.

45. I used to smoke a pack a day of cigarettes: I have asthma, and am allergies to cigarette smoke but did it anyway. *rolling eyes at myself*. Gotta love God and His redeeming grace and mercy. He freed me of that bondage and healed my singing voice. God's so cool!

46. I LOVE gospel music. In fact, if I had my way, that's all I'd sing.

47. I'm in a gospel band which I absolutely LOVE. Currently, my roommate and I are the only two singers apart from the lead and the pianist. But for some reason, we produce a pretty solid sound. The instrumentalists alone are incredibly talented, and have been playing together for years. VERY excited to see what God will do with this ministry. Website will be up soon: I'll post the link when things are up and running.

48. I love coffee. There's a guy at my church who roasts his own coffee and I'm officially addicted. It's SO good. Beats Starbucks, beats Millstone. Peter coffee, I call it. Best stuff ever.

49. I love deep thinking and debating. Did it all the time over coffee in college. But that was B.C., and let me tell you... very interesting theories came from those conversations. Now I love to dig into the Word and discussing it. There's so much to find in there!

50. If I could drop everything I'm doing right now and have the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted, I would...

Steal my mom away from whatever she's doing and take her to a movie and dinner and/or Christmas shopping. Fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I read that. That was very interesting.


2:42 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Fun Stephanie Stuff.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

I also love the pumpkin -- AND I was in Bath & Body Works yesterday and they have this stuff called Hot Chocolate that smells like, well, hot chocolate. And lotion that smells like creme brulee -- I seriously almost licked it, but stopped myself in time. MMMMM.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Jef- Glad you were entertained. Or scared. Whatever. lol

KATIE! Weee! (Snuck to work, did we? lol)

Amber: Hot chocolate smells? Let me at it!

5:48 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

I think it would take me about a day and a half to come up with 50 things about myself. :)

9:19 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Very interesting Steph. I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

11:15 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

"What the crap is that about?"

My all-time most said phrase. I cannot stop saying what the crap.

You are such a delight, Miss Stephanie. **hugs** and Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh and I totally know what you mean about men being afraid of tall women. I am 5'11".

3:49 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

hahaha C: now you're just trying to play on my soft spot. Cut it out! lol

1:31 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh and by the way: Lambeau Field doesn't have a roof AT ALL because God didn't want to just *peek* in on HIS divinely drafted team: He wanted a full-on view to be able to watch over and protect His men. Beat THAT! lol

9:02 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Regarding tall women:

Is it a myth or fact that tall women don't like to date shorter men because of the heels thing or because of the security issue - like a shorter man wouldn't be able to protect you 'cause your taller???

Now I'm just wondering, from a personal point of view, what your opinion is because I'm a (FYI single) Christian man and I'm only 5'7".

11:49 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

BTW God's new favorite team, (remains to be seen this year) is your current two-time defending (and 3 of the last 4) Super Bowl Champeen NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS!!!!

11:51 AM  

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