Saturday, December 31, 2005

Looking Ahead To 2006

As I reflect on this past year, I realize just how much God has taught me: how much He is still teaching me. I realize that I went through so much in such a short amount of time: and as heavy as my heart is sometimes, and as burdened a my mind is on account of all of these things, I still can't help but know that God will use my experiences from this past year to do mighty works in the lives of others. Isn't that what it's all about?

I'm thankful for the work He's done in me, and excited for what I know is
just around the bend. I'm also thankful for the people He's brought into my life, and the fact that He's taken certain people out. I'm thankful for strengthened relationships, better quality of life, new knowledge, and new friendships. I'm thankful for the work I've seen Him do in my loved ones who are unbelievers, and how He's used me in sometimes very bold ways to speak into thier lives. I'm especially thankful to God for gently guiding me to the blogworld in such a volatile time in my life: God has used you all in so many different and amazing ways to teach me, guide me, comfort and encourage me. God has truly truly blessed me with each and every one of you: and I thank you all for your amazing thoughts and insights, your feedback on my thoughts, your prayers, and most importantly, your friendship.

When I reflect on this past year, I see many things that I am to be thankful for, many things that I have accomplished, many set-ups for future accomplishments, and many many life lessons learned. Looking ahead to 2006, I eagerly anticipate the newness, the fresh-start-feel that a new year always seems to bring. I'm looking forward to yet another chance, new friendships, new oppportunities, and new adventures.

Thank you again, my friends, for all your encouragement, your caring words, your prayers, and your wisdom. May God bless you all this new year: may your prayers be answered, your dreams fulfilled, and your hearts warmed by friendship, family, and love. Have a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve, and we'll see y'all next year!

I love you all!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's But A Whisper

I hope you all are well and enjoying this incredible season... the lights, the festivities... I pray that you all are blessed today and every day.

I don't have much to say right now: I have quite a bit going on in my head these days. Your prayers would be greatly GREATLY appreciated during this time. In the meantime, I give you another entry into what shall be (temporarily) called, the "My Heart Series". Enjoy!


Time stands still
The broken silence is consumed by Him
His presence
His voice.

It's but a whisper.

I take it all in
As if I could hold onto it forever
His heart
His desires

It's but a whisper.

A series of moments
With a promise of forever
I hope
I believe

It's but a whisper.

A constant expidition
To know more of Him
More love
More strength

It's getting stronger.

One day I will find
My future before me

He is my Father.

Life as I know it
What I'm living right now
It's fleeting
A single breath

It's but a whisper.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Wrap-Up

Well as I'm sure you all know, I was supposed to head to Seattle this week to visit my Dad and Step-mom who I haven't seen for 4 and 12 years respectively. Well, as luck would have it, I came down with the stomach flu, a bronchial infection, and some sort of sinus thing: all on the same day - Christmas Eve. The flu subsided by Christmas night, and the bronchial and sinus things - got really bad the day after.

So, unfortunately, I am staying home this week, and will be rescheduling my trip to Seattle for sometime over the summer. Boo. So it looks like I'll be spending a good majority of my week off at my mom and step-dad's house where I'm being taken very good care of: mom's such a great little nurse :)

Other than my illnesses, I had a great Christmas Eve: saw a ton of family members that I never get to see, went to the church that my mom has been going to (which turned out to be really cool), and on Christmas day (despite being sick and not being able to eat Christmas dinner), I was able to spend some Q.T. with some great family and friends. Santa was good to me, I'm getting lots of rest and relaxation, and sick or not, I intend to enjoy my week off to the fullest.

How was everyone else's Christmas? What did Santa bring you this year?

Thursday, December 22, 2005

15 Ways To Kill Time At Walmart

Being that we're officially heading into what I like to call, "Last Minute Mania", or, the last few shopping days before Christmas, I thought it would be fun to offer up some suggestions of things you can do to make your last minute shopping excursion a little less stressful and a lot more fun. Without further ado, I give you:

15 Ways To Make People Think You're a Complete Lunatic at Wal-Mart
This Christmas Season

1. Get 24 tubes of Preparation H and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.

2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.

3 Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.

4 Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'Code 3'
in housewares..... and see what happens.

5 Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.

6 Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

7 Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in only if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.

8 When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'

9 Look right into the security camera; use it as a mirror, and then pick your nose.

10 While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are.

11 Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.

12 In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels.

13 Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through say, "PICK ME! PICK ME!"

14 When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"

And last but not least...

15 Go into a fitting room, shut the door and wait a while; and, then, yell very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!"

*Content Derived From An Anonymous Source*

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My Heart / Part 1

I don't usually write poems in poetic form: They usually flow from me in the form of lyrics. However, I just got the itch to start writing, and what came forth... well... wasn't quite characteristic of my style, yet fully expresses my heart at this very moment. Stay tuned for more from the "My Heart Series", as I will try to make this a regular occurance: poetry, that is. ;)

Have a Blessed Day Everyone!


What once was darkness
Now is light
A hope, a peace,
Clarity, sight.
What once was anger
Now is joy
All because
of one baby boy.

I remember it well
It still haunts me by night
The life I once lived
The agony, the fight.
Defeated and hopeless,
Withered and worn,
My burdens weighed heavy
My heart was just torn.

But out of the shadows
Came such a great light
His Word pierced my soul
Made me pure
Made me right.
I'll never forget
The feeling that came.
Not quite like a flood,
More like a gentle rain.
The soft stirring of my heart
The changes within
No doubt in my mind
It had to be Him.
He gave me new life
He cleansed my soul,
Refined me, renewed me,
Sent me down a new road.

Continue the work
That you started, Oh Lord.
Keep me hopeful and joyful
And lost in your Word.
Give me a hunger to learn
And a passion to teach
All your children on this Earth
Who have yet to be reached.
Let Your love flow through me
like a gentle breeze
Touching the lives of many,
Of all that I see.

Lord, strengthen my soul
Use me in mighty ways
Give me wisdom and guide me
All this I pray:
That I might find peace and joy
And a comfort in You,
I thank you Father God,
For my new life in You.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Just Something I Was Thinking about...

I know a few (and by a "few", I mean a LOT) of Christians - good, solid, dedicated, God-fearing Christians - who are afraid of death and dying. Why do you think that is? If we are secure in our faith: if we truly believe that we are going where the Bible says we are going to go, then what's the problem? I presented this question to my pastor's wife, who, once she contemplated the idea for a moment could really do nothing but chuckle and nod in agreement.

The funny thing is, that I ask this question as if I'm the complete opposite of terrified of my own demise myself, when in reality it totally freaks me out!! But I can't help but wonder, why? Why does it freak me out so much? What about death is so absolutely terrifying if I know in my heart of hearts that the peace of God awaits me on the other side? Everyone has to do it: there are only two people (that I can think of offhand) in all of history who didn't actually die. So what makes me so special? What right do I have to get all freaked out about it?

Jesus wasn't afraid of death. Jesus knew without a shadow of a doubt what awaited Him once His time on this earth had passed. He was likely afraid of the pain that He would endure, but that was all part of His mission: He accepted it, bore our sin in the form of physical torture and suffered until He passed on into eternal life with the Father. So if Jesus didn't fear the actual physical death, if GOD wasn't scared of physical death, then... Why am I?
Why are you?


I'm sorry that my morbid curiosity is in full effect today, but I'm really curious as to what you all think about this issue. I know that it can be a scary place to go to in your own mind, which is why some people just choose to ignore it, but humor me. If you do, I promise that I'll follow this post with a happy, squishy Christmas message very soon to balance things out a bit. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Down To The Wire

Alright people. It's 3:55 pm on Sunday afternoon, and I'm SO not where I thought I'd be in the reading/assignment completion process. Finals are tomorrow. And I am in hot water.
"Why would one who is so extremely and painfully behind in her studies be blogging at a time like this," you ask? The answer is simple.


So really, the desperate need to pick my sorry butt up off of my couch (I haven't left my house yet today) and do ANYTHING but stare at a text book for even a short period of time just came over me like a tidal wave: and so here I find myself whinin- I mean, blogging about all of my educational woes.

On a happy and completely unrelated note: my mother who had decided (along with my step-father) that my (pentecostal) church "creeped her out", and had chosen to NOT come to church with me on account of that fact, just informed me today, that she took it upon herself to attend the church where a fellow student from my school is the fine arts pastor: and she LOVED it.

Praise God for answered prayers!

So if you would, please keep her in your prayers, that God would just finish His work in her life, and that He would also eventually use she and I to minister to my step-dad, I would greatly appreciate it.

Well, it's back to the grindstone I go! Please also pray, if you would, for a special "ease" in my studies and paper writing, as well as "divine assistance" on my final. That'd be GREAT.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Why We Do The Things We Do

I was talking with a friend the other night over coffee (yes, at Starbucks, and yes, by the fireplace), and he got my my wheels a-turnin' about a few things.

This friend was telling me about a relationship that he recently had to put a stop to for many different reasons, and how hard it has been for him to stick with it. Being an expert in that particular area, having experienced a similar situation on a much grander scale in the not-so-distant past, I felt a certain authority and obligation to talk with him on this matter. And boy, did I talk.

I began by telling him that many of us tend to be of the "people-pleasing" variety: we tend to do anything to make those around us happy, comfortable, and loved: even if it means sacrificing our own happiness and sanity. Typically, we're desiring three very specific results from this type of behavior:

A. We're hoping that by catering to this person's every need and every emotional whim, we in turn, will win that person's affections on account of the fact that we are always the one who's "there" for them.

B. On that same train of thought, we all have a desire to feel needed: just like we all desire to be known by someone. Therefore, by feeding into the object of our affections, ie: investing our time, energy, and emotions, we tend to become the "one to go to", the one they choose to spend thier time with. That satisfies that both of the aforementioned desires.

C. We're hoping that once we "get in there" and really play an important role in that person's life, that we can somehow change them: that we can help them.

On that note, what if the object of our affections has some things they struggle with, that they really do need changed? What if they have internal issues they need to deal with, or an addiction they battle? Well, if you're anything like me, this will be an attractive quality (in the dysfunctional sense of course), because you'll want to help them. You'll want to change them for thier benefit. But maybe, just maybe, consider the possibility that it's for your benefit as well. This goes back to the three points listed above. You want to be that friend to lean on, that shoulder to cry on. What is the end result we're desiring here people?


Am I wrong? Think about it! It can be the love of a parent. The love of a family member, a spouse, a friend, or a potential mate. This my friends, is co-dependency. No, I'm not going to launch into a big long lecture on the psychology of co-dependency, because frankly, we're all co-dependent, even if it's just a little bit. Friendship is a form of co-dependency, mother-daughter relationships, father-son relationships, spousal relationships: I don't care what type of relationship it is, it's co-dependent. But there's healthy co-dependency, and there's the unhealthy variety.

It's the unhealthy variety of co-dependency that we need to be wary of.

Throughout my life, I have always bandaged my internal wounds, my struggles, with someone else's wounds and struggles. In other words, I always tried to fix everyone else's problems, in an effort to forget my own. I couldn't understand why, for so long, I seemed to magnetically attract the most dysfunctional men. The funny part about it is, sometimes I would date them, but more often than not, we were "just friends". Now I put that in quotations for a reason, because I would usually play the part of the girlfriend without the "official title". We would fall into a pattern which was always very easy for me to fall into: I had an emotional need to be filled, Mr. X did too, and while he could have been the scummiest of scummies (which, usually they were, and yes, I did say scummies), he filled a void. (Oh, I could go on a tangent right now about that God-shaped hole that we're always talking about, but I'm sure you made that connection on your own, so I won't launch into a lecture on that right now either. I'm doing my best to stay on the topic at hand, as to not make this a novel.) So while, yes, he filled a void, there would also be things about him that I thought I could change, or I thought he needed to be freed from, and well, "I was just the girl to do it!"

Well, would you believe that I didn't break this cycle until a year and a half into my walk with Christ? While yes, I was finally trying to squeeze God a bit into that void, I was still giving the majority of that space to a guy! Would you also believe that that guy happened to be the MOST dysfunctional, abusive mess that I had EVER dealt with, and that he was also a CHRISTIAN? Funny how God teaches us lessons, don't you think? One of the lessons that I learned in all of this was that I can't fix anyone. I can't be the band-aid to temporarily cover someone else's wounds, because that's only a temporary fix. I can't be the one to prop someone up in an effort to keep them from hitting rock-bottom.

Because sometimes, you just have to let people fall flat on thier faces.

I've learned so many things from this man, and while he hurt me beyond measure, beyond anything I'll EVER tolerate from another human being EVER again, I'm so grateful for my experience with him. I really GET what God was trying to teach me by letting me go through it. Another thing I realized, and this came up in conversation with my Starbucks buddy the other night, is that, because I spent all this time on all of these other people, that I conveniently forgot about myself. Well let me tell you: when I finally gave over all of those desires, needs and wants to God (needing to be needed, desiring to be known, etc...), well, God apparently thought I was "ready", and opened the floodgates of my life on me. I was finally not obsessing over someone else's life, problems, and interactions with me, rather, I found myself alone with my thoughts: my innermost thoughts. My past. My hurts. My pain. The relationships in my life that mean the most to me - that have been around forever. So for the past few months, I've been dealing with twenty-some years of... me. Can you imagine? It's been a very stressful, yet very healing time for me. AND I'm getting to know more of God, which, I think was the whole purpose for all of this in the first place.

What, you ask, might be my point in this "Stephanie tangent time" that I've subjected you to?

My point is a simple concept that many of us can't seem to wrap our minds around. It's a concept that we either truly don't understand or choose not to, for fear that if we embrace it, we will be left without the object of our desires/affections. Or worse yet, "left alone with ourselves", to figure out what we are truly about- without the influence of anyone else confusing the process. That concept is simply this:

YOU can't change anyone but yourself.

Did you get that?
Hmmm. I don't know that I believe you. Let me say it again.


You're seeing it. You're absorbing it. But do you really believe it? It took me twenty some years to figure out that concept. And it took one very heart-wrenching situation to really get it. "Well, but if I can't change them, then what do I do?" you ask. It's really simple.

You let that person go.

Let me tell you this. It's OKAY to let people go. It's okay to burn bridges and sever ties. Why? Because... oh wait. This deserves to stand alone too:

It's not healthy for your heart, your mind, your body, or your spirit for you to stay in a situation in which YOU are constantly trying to do something that never produces your desired result.

Ever tried to move a brick wall by yourself? No? Go ahead and try. It's okay. I'll wait.

So how'd that work out for you? Did you get anywhere? Are your muscles sore? Are you out of breath? Are you frustrated, irritated, discouraged, and drained? Yes? Well, that's very similar to the feelings we experience when we put all of our heart and soul into someone who isn't willing to change. They are that brick wall: and no matter how hard we try, we, in all of our strength and might, will likely not be able to make them budge on our own. However, can you think of anything that might actually make that brick wall move? Maybe even crumble?

The first thing that comes to my mind is explosives. That makes sense, right? Because if we're relating a stubborn, dysfunctional person to a brick wall, well, we don't want them to just move a bit, do we? We want them to crumble. We want them to hit rock bottom, to really understand what's wrong with thier lives, so they can begin to build themselves back up in a healthy, functional way, right? So what, in our little analogy, would those explosives be? What do these people need that we (the wall movers), can't give them?

They need G.O.D.

They don't need us trying to FORCE them to do something that they don't want to do, or don't quite know how to do! However, what we CAN do, and what we SHOULD be doing for those people is praying for them. Nothing is impossible with God! Nothing! But what we need to remember, is that while we're praying, we need to keep our noses out of it. God's got it handled! You've tried, and tried, and tried, to absolutely no avail, right? You've made your point a hundred times. You've given up SO much. You've taken all the arguing and yelling that you can possibly handle short of losing your mind. You've taken all the abuse, or neglect, pain, etc... that. you. can. possibly. handle. So to you, the tender soul, I say this:

Let go, and let GOD.

Let go, let GOD, and get going on your own life! And please, my dear friends, remeber a few other things while you're getting on with the "letting go, and the going":

A. We need to stop being selfish in our relationships with others. Always be striving for Agape Love, the love which transcends our own needs and wants. That way, we can love others, without the "alterior motive".

B. While it's important to spend time praying for those who may have wounded us, who we may have had to remove from our lives, we need to also remember to be praying for our own lives: our own healing, and our own futures. Give God the chance to make some changes within you - again, without the distraction of someone else's needs and wants taking precedence over your own.

C. As my pastor's amazing wife likes to tell me: "Take your spiritual medicine young lady!" Stay in God's Word, as much as time will allow you, because it's through His Word that we are built up. His Word is our armor: and the more we read, the more wisdom, strength, and knowledge we'll have in Christ to move forward in positive, healthy ways in future relationships.

I know it's not easy to heed the advice of others, because we always want to "figure it out for ourselves". But friends, take it from someone who's been there: you're never going to find healing within yourselves, until you truly let go of the need to "fix others". Besides, you're not doing these people any favors by being their band-aids. Remember: if you really give it over to God, you'll begin to see miracles take place in your own lives.


Well alright! You all have truly made it through the long haul with me this time! And honestly: this isn't even close to where I would have liked this post to be, so I guess we'll call it a "rough draft" for now. It became so long only because of how close to my heart this subject is for me. My hope is that anyone who stumbles across this might take a little piece here and a little piece there, knowing that these words are coming from a woman who has "been there", and trust me: I'm still learning from my experiences. But one thing I do know for sure is this:

As hard as it is to 'let go', sometimes, it is the best thing for us.


***For those of you who were participating in the "Theology Recap Wednesday - REVISED" discussion, please feel free to stop back over to that post, as I finally responded to some of your comments this morning! Thanks for all of your thoughts, and I look forward to more thought-provoking discussions to come!***

Friday, December 09, 2005

Holiday Cheer

Well, I've had a post in the makings for two days now, but am not completely satisfied with it. The creative juices just don't seem to want to flow. So I'm taking a break.

However, don't despair my friends, because I am about to send you off to a weekend filled to the brim with holiday cheer and merriment (and LOTS of laughter).

Simply go pay a little visit to
Katie. You'll thank me for sending you there.
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Theology Recap Wednesday - REVISED

On Monday night at class, an interesting debate arose during our time together that I thought I'd get your feedback on as well.

The issue of Baptism. Always a good one to get people going, right? Infant baptism, or baptism according to the age of accountability: when they finally accept the Lord for themselves? Will your children go to hell if they're not baptized straight out of the womb?

But what if we took it even on step further...

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." (Matt 28:19).

Do you notice that Jesus says nothing here about baptizing them in water?


My friend S. looked up the original Greek definition for the word "name" and it actually means "authority".

So being the resident class clown/intellectual that he is, and now affectionately nicknamed "The Stumper" on account of his knack for stumping our professor almost every time class meets, he presented this argument to our class:

"All over the Bible, you can find stories of John, Jesus, etc... baptizing with water. Baptism, generally speaking, is always referred to in conjunction with water. But interestingly enough... not in Matthew 28:19, where Jesus instructs us to baptize 'in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit'. Well," he said, "do you think there could be something TO that? If Jesus is telling us to baptize the disciples in the "authority" of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but doesn't specify *with water*... well... could we have been doing something wrong all this time?"

Good question, S.! Nice work! So now what? Where do we go from here?

Interestingly enough, our minds must have been working totally in sync that night, because as I see S.'s wheels turing as we're going over material in class, I begin formulating the same question in my mind: and once he started presenting his argument, all I could do was wildly nod my head in total and complete agreement.

So, give me your feedback, people! What do you think this could mean, if anything? Is S. full of poo, or does he make a valid argument? Any key verses you would like to share in agreement of opposition to this theory?

What are your thoughts?
Alright. After talking with my roommate last night, and reading all of your comments today, I realized something rather important:
I did a VERY poor job of putting my thoughts on paper this time around.
I am very appreciative of all of your comments about baptism (infant and adult) because that issue is a huge one that definitely deserves a good, hearty debate.
However. Because I was having a momentary lapse of brain activity when I wrote this, I feel that I need to reword my thoughts a bit. Here goes:
S. didn't really present a "new theory" necessarily, nor was he questioning the need for baptism itself or it's significance, rather posed a question in class while we were discussing the topic of baptism.
The question he posed was:
why there is no mention of water when Jesus commands His disciples to baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" in Matthew 28:19. Typically, anywhere there is mention of baptism, there is mention of it being done with water. Not the case in this particular verse. And this is JESUS COMMANDING us... why wouldn't there be a specific there? More than that, if the word "name" in the original Greek means "authority", then Jesus is telling us to "baptize in the authority of the Father, and of the Son...", etc. So could our definition of baptism be a little off? Could Jesus have maybe been commanding us to "'immerse' in the 'authority' of the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"? Could it be more of a spiritual baptism rather than a physical - much like being baptized in the Holy Spirit?
I think it's also important to point out that S. and I both understand that ALL OVER the Bible baptisms are being carried out with water. Not refuting that fact. Just took notice of a rather big detail which then obviously sparked a question in both our minds.
Okay, hopefully I didn't just confuse the subject even more, rather, clarified things a bit. So on that note...
NOW what are your thoughts?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Just Around The Bend...

How exciting when we can feel God's glorious plan for our lives getting ready to unfold! Do you know that feeling? That feeling of restlessness. That feeling that you know your prayers are really being heard. That feeling that something incredible is about to happen: a prayer is about to be answered. A door is about to be opened. Your life is about to change.

As exciting as this experience can be, sometimes it can be a rather terrifying endeavor as well. Often times God sets up a course of events in our lives to unravel in such a way that we get slighty "freaked out" because we have absolutely no control over what is happening to us. The spiritual side of us knows that this is God, because we can see that change is coming: that God's plan is again pushing us forward into an uncomfortable spot. That being a veritable "limbo", in which we wait for the "glorious" part to happen. In the meantime, we wait with bated breath, wondering what's just around the bend. Honestly, this is a very tough spot to be in, because all we want to do is take control of the situation, make the decision ourselves, and "hope" for the best. But our best is actually to wait on GOD! The greater part of me knows (whether or not I show it at the time) that God is using this time of "limbo" to draw me near to Him. It's unfortunate that we have to be taught the same lesson over and over again, but for many of us, this is one lesson we will continue learning until the day our time on this earth has passed.

This time around for me, I really don't feel: helpless. Like I just told a friend of mine, it's "wierdly exciting". There's something around the bend that is going to answer a lot of the questions that I've had for years and years. I feel quite strongly in my spirit, actually, that the uncertainty that has plagued me for so long, that this veil that I've lived my life behind is going to suddenly be lifted, and clarity will be coming at me like a Mack truck: and I am so excited. I'm excited for the questions to be over. I'm excited to know what I'll be doing with my life with a certainty that I've never had before. I'm even more excited that I'll know for sure that this is God's plan for me: that's the best part of all. Don't get me wrong: I've felt helpless over this very issue countless times before. I've been frustrated. I've been hopeless.

However, through a series of events that have just recently taken place, I'm discovering hope.

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever-
do not abandon the works of your hands."
- Psalm 138:8

I just came across this verse last night, and what joy it gave me! It was as if I was recieving an affirmation that there is a silver lining in my dark cloud which is going to eventually burst forth, forcing that cloud to part in either direction: my wait might finally be over!

And who can forget the incredible promise that God gave us in
Jeremiah 29:11?
"'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
'plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future'."

I love that we can put all of our hope in God in everything we do! Praise God that we have the ability to wash our hands of the worries, the uncertainties of life that plague us daily! And while of course it's easier to get excited about these facts while one is on the verge of a major breakthrough with God, just remember: that's why we're here! To encourage each other, and to lift one another up. We are all always going to be in different seasons in our lives, and it's the job of those experiencing joyous seasons to encourage and lift up those who may be experiencing a time of "winter" in thier lives.

As I've been writing today's entry, Third Day's "Your Love Oh Lord" has been playing in my head on repeat. Not quite sure why, but nonetheless, I felt compelled to share the lyrics with you.

"Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness stretches to the sky
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
Your justice flows like the ocean's tide
I will lift my voice
To worship You, my King
I will find my strength
In the shadow of your wings"

I think that says it all, don't you?

If you would, friends, please just pray for me that God would continue to enlighten me: that He will continue to plant within me the strong desires of His heart for my life, open the doors of opportunity in my life, and lead me in the direction He wants me to go. Your prayers, as well as your friendship are greatly appreciated.

Have a blessed day everyone!

Friday, December 02, 2005

10 Ways To Know For SURE That You're Experiencing A Wisconsin Winter

1. You wake up in the morning and there is frost on your bedroom windows.

2. The five foot walk from your bedroom to the bathroom in the morning is painful, and you're sure that it would be better accomplished with a sled and a pack of dogs just because it's that cold in your house.

3. You need to give yourself 20 extra minutes to get to work because that's how long it's going to take for your car to warm up.

4. You need two space heaters and at least two layers on all of your body parts and your parka just to stay warm... at work... where there's already a heating system running in the building.

5. Letting the dog out to do his business becomes a production because he'd rather hold it (or go on your living room floor) than risk losing life and limb (and beloved body parts) by becoming a "puppy popsicle".

6. You could literally ice skate on the parking lot of your apartment complex.

7. Each time you take a breath your nose hairs instantly freeze.

8. Each time you exhale, your breath actually flash freezes right in front of your face and crashes to the ground right where you stand.

9. Penguins pass you on the freeway.

... and finally...

10. Santa refuses to come to your house to deliver presents on Christmas Eve because his Reindeer tend to get frost bite when they visit your neck of the woods, and because "even the North POLE isn't THIS cold!!!".

Wind Chill: -642 degrees