Ode To The Right-Brainer
I'm a writer
I'm an artist.
I'm a musician.
What does that mean, you ask? Funny, actually, that you do ask (assuming that you did), because to be completely honest, I didn't know what that meant either up until recently. I just always thought there was something wrong with me because I exhibited all of these off-beat, slightly quirky characteristics and means of accomplishing things that no one ever quite understood. Remember my reference to my Phoebe-like tendencies? Yeah, it's kind of like that.
Don't get me wrong: even though I've managed to make a royal mess of my life a few (many) times in the past, I've always been praised for my creative talents nonetheless. That's not the issue. It's just all of the not-so glorious qualities that comes along with being a right brained thinker (the side which harbors our creative tendencies, giftings, and our emotions) that got me into a lot of trouble.
This is just a small compilation of right brained characteristics provided by a number of different websites:
- Free association
Now really, I could go on and on here about all of these extremely charming traits (sense the oozing sarcasm?), but I'll spare you the special torture. The bottom line here is this: I think a lot - and I mean A LOT - of creative right-brained people are terribly misunderstood. They can have a tendency to be extremely emotional and rather scattered at times, however at the same time, tend to fall into that "gifted and talented" catergory. Sometimes I think that right-brainers are a psychiatrist's dream: rather than attributing a right-brainer's off-beat tendencies to creativity, the psychiatric community would rather diagnose these people with ADD, ADHD, bi-polar disorder, and a myriad of other mental and emotional "disabilities".
How unfortunate is it for the creative thinker that many of them are being put in a box? Very often as children, these people are being stifled because in an educational system generally geared toward left-brained learners, thier creativity, thier gifts aren't being nurtured properly. These children (and adults) are visual learners, and typically, our educational systerm is not completely set up to cater to that type of learning style. Parents are told that thier children have ADHD or another learning disability, and shortly thereafter, they're being medicated. They're constantly being told to "sit still".
I remember all too well how hard it was as a child to keep still (even as an adult this still plagues me!), and how everyone around me could not understand why I was always so antsy. Why I never listened in class. Why I daydreamed all the time. All of my growing up years, everyone just thought I was "lazy": that I didn't want to work hard for the things that would bring me success. Heading into college, I believe there was some truth to that, but who of us don't screw up our freshman year? (If you didn't, I don't want hear about it. lol Let me have this one, okay?) I've always had "screwed up priorities". "Forget about being in the band, you have bills to pay missy!" There's definitely some truth to that too, but the point is, I very much had a one-track mind, and what I really excelled at was music. Four years of choir, four musicals, four talent shows, two battles of the bands, and countless hours on the floor of my bedroom with my guitar, and in front of the mirror singing away during my high school years could have possibly been a clue to those around me as to what my "problem" was. And more often than not, I very often had trouble communicating with my parents when I was growing up, because they didn't understand me and why my priorities always seemed SO insanely backward.
As an adult, many of these aspects of my personality and learning style still hold true, but by the grace of God I am a changed woman. I think I am a much better balance than I used to be. Prior to my salvation, I was a mess (as many of us were before we found God). I've read this many times before (and I'm sure that any true right-brainer who reads this can attest to it in some way or another) that creative thinkers are also very addictive personalities. "If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing": the right-brainer's anthem. It's scary to ponder the fact that many, many right-brained thinkers fall victim to the dark side of creativity. Just look at Kurt Cobain. Very extreme example, but true no less. Very many people don't know what to do with thier "differences", with all of thier ideas, and they give into depression, anxiety, among other very real, very scary emotional problems, addictions...religions. I was no different. While I DO think I had a drinking problem at some point, I absolutely know that I never became an alcoholic, but I was a heavy smoker, a very heavy drinker, an addict of the party lifestyle, and a prisoner to my own dark mind. However, by the Grace of God, I was pulled out of that life, and He is now using the gifts He's given me in mighty ways, and is refining me for more good works each and every day. **And as a disclaimer on this entire issue, I would just like to say, that I absolutely LOVE being a creative right-brainer, and I would encourage anyone who suspects that they are too to embrace it. It's an amazing adventure, an often difficult one, but rewarding no less. I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, I'm a little "unhinged", but that's what makes me "unique", right?**
My prayer today is that any right-brained, creative thinker who comes across this site will find a little solace in my musings. That they'll know that it's okay to be a little quirky: a little off-beat: a little Phoebe-ish. After all, God made you that way! Embrace it! Please understand that I'm certainly not saying that this is an excuse for being lazy, or disorganized, or anything of the sort, because honestly, even the most affected right-brainer can overcome those things. I'm not even discrediting the reality of learning disabilities. I know that they can be very real to very many people. However, I'm just putting it out there (and I know that I'm certainly not the first) that there may be alternative methods of remedying these "problems" in some cases, rather than always just "sedating" these children and adults. For me, it was Jesus.
But then again, everything in my life always circles back to Him.
If you're feeling "unhinged", if you feel you need something greater than yourself to help you truly discover you, then look up. He can work in your life just the same as He did in mine. All you have to do is invite Him into your heart. Simple as that.
Interested in which half of your brain you mainly use?
You Are 20% Left Brained, 80% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |